During the week of July 4th,
Windsor, Vermont
(Home of the famous
Cornish/Windsor bridge)...

...celebrates their heritage week
which includes parades!
See constitution house below:

Old South Church Cemetery
Location: downtown Windsor, Vermont.
Old South Church Street Cemetery has one of the oldest Cemeteries at this location.
Although I was not able to document the entire Cemetery it needs to be done soon.
The other two Cemeteries are in the area of Windsor.
One is located atop a hill behind the town close to the Interstate,
and the another is just outside Windsor going to Brownsville, Vermont.

Conditioning at the Old Church Cemetery needs to be improved at this location.
It is taken a lot of foot traffic and the Older Stones need attention.
Some are down, others are to close to the back fence to read, which are up against a fence.

Jesse Lull's gravestone on the left, and Gary Lull
standing with Joel Lull's gravestone on the right.
More Lull family members are buried here.

Head this way for Hartland!-->