Sheddsville Cemetery:

On Cemetery Road just outside of Brownsville, Vermont, a very photogenic location for this cemetery. Condition is Excellent, as the grounds are kept in superb condition. My compliments to Ann and her husband Robert for their devoted effort. The grass is mowed to where it looks as if I stepped into the past to visit. The Cemetery Stone data is in excellent condition as well; someone needs to be commended for this work.

Adopt a Stone policy is the way this Sheddsville Cemetery has gone!
It is for families or other individuals, who live near these Cemeteries to take the time to visit their roots. In doing so, these neighbors who have families buried at those locations can gather together and work as a team. Gathering the information off those Older Cemeteries Stones for the purpose of documentation to either Internet and/or both sending this information to State, Village, Country, and Township.
As these older stones have reached their limit in holding the information on the stone against weathering, they should not be neglected any longer. I have seen the effort that has been applied to the cemeteries in New York State and on the Internet in this endeavor,  the results have been overwhelming!

If you are interested in the Adopt A Stone Project,
please contact Clifford Coy:
and specify your interest.

ALso click here and visit the page!

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