Weathersfield, Vermont.

Contributed by; Gary Allen Lull.


Located on route 5

East from

Perkinsville, Vermont

in the township of

Weathersfield, Vermont.

In the County of Windsor, Vermont.


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* * * * * Instructions: * * * * *

For these, pages and groups;

For this Cemetery. It will require you to use the

Edit, Find button on your browser, for each cemetery, as they

were not all buried at once, or together in plots all at the time.

These groups cemeteries will require you to use your

Edit, Find button on your browser for your search person, doing it many times.

Requiring you to search for more surnames in the same cemetery.

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Grave Stones:*for group as follows:


Epitaphs* were recorded as shown from the stones that had them.

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Surnames* are:

Aldrich, Alverson, Barrett, Billings, Biglow, aka* Bigalow, akaBigelow aka* Bigilow, Boynton, Bryant, Burrows, Butterfield, Chapman, Delano, DosRochers, Fuller, Graves, Griswold, Grout, Hall, Hatch, Holmes, Hutchinson, Knight, Lawrence, Leonard, Marsh, Mudgett, Pierce, Ryder, Sherwin, Warner, Wheeler.

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The Grout Grave Yard
Location is the old ( Sherwin Yard )

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Maj. Hilkiah Grout died December 19 1795 in the 68th year of his age.
Mrs. Submit wife of Hilkiah Grout died May 7 1813 aged 84 years 3 months.
Rough stone.

Polly wife of Oliver Grout died August 19 1806 aged 37 years 6 months.

Roy Grout died February 7 1815 Ae 41.

John Marsh died January 10 1845 Ae 87.

Martha wife of Capt. John Marsh died October 22 1813 aged 59 years.
4 rough stones.

ZenoLis son of Seth & Ellanor Grout died July 17 1813 aged 1 year 11 months.

Minerva dau. of
Oliver & Polly Grout died November 4 1813 in the 10th year of her age.

Lecta dau. of
Oliver & Polly Grout died March 19 1815 aged 16 years 3 months & 11 days.
She died beloved and lamented by her Friend who consecrates this to her memory.
Beneath this mould virtue's patron lies
When Christ shall call the just will rise.

John son of Capt. John & Martha Marsh died March 22 1814 aged 17 years.
Seth Grout Junr. died Sept. 8 1830 Ae 40 years.
Friend and physician could not save
My dying body from the grave
Nor can the grave confine me here
When Christ in glory shall appear.

Zenous son of Seth & Dolly Grout died March 2 1819 aged 26 days.
One rough stone.

Beeman Boynton died June 24 1849 Ae 81 yrs,

Ruth wife of Rev. Beeman Boynton died Mar. 14 1852 Ae 79.

Capt. Cyrus Boynton died Jan. 7 1844 aged 63 years & 6 months.
Hannah Boynton his wife died Jan. 6 1844 aged 56 years & 5 months.

M. B. [Mollie Boynton, aunt of Capt. Cyrus.]

Phebe wife of Col. John Boynton died Sept. 27 1827 aged 76 years & 6 months.
And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto
me, Write, Blessed are the dead
which die in the Lord from henceforth yea
saith the Spirit that they may rest
from their Tabour and theirworks do follow them.

Col. John Boynton died March 21 1825 aged 88 years 6 months & 1 day.
Within this sacred bed of rest
A tender father lies
But he shall live among the just
When Christ shall bid him rise.

In memory of
Mrs. Elizabeth 2nd wife of Col. John Boynton who died April 15 1793 in the 48th year of her age.
Altho she sleeps in dust awhile
Beneath this barren clod
Ere long we hope she'll rise and smile
To see her Saviour God.

In memory of Betsy wife of Mr. Ephraim Boynton who died Dec. 20 1805 in the 41 year
of her age.
Behold all ye that do pass by
As you are now so once wasI
As I am now so you must be
Prepare to die and follow me.

Dea. Silas Biglow* died August 27 1833 Ae 66 years and 7 months.
With heavenly weapons I have fought
The battles of the Lord
Finish'd my course and kept the faith
And wait the sure reward.

Elizabeth wife of Dea. Silas Biglow* died April 8 1833 Ae 59 years.
God my redeemer lives
And often from the skies
Looks down and watches all my dust
Till he shall bid it rise.

A dau. of Capt. Jewett & Pamilea Boynton born Jan. 19 1809.
Two dau. of Capt. Jewett & Pamilea Boynton
Polly died Oct. 25 1805 aged 8 years 2 months & 3 days.
Fanny died Aug. 10 1807 aged 7 years 7 months & 12 days.
Two dau.'s. of Capt. Jewett & Pamilea Boynton

Pamilea died Oct. 26 1794 aged 2 years 1 month & 17 days.
Lydia died March 19 1805 aged 7 months & 10 days.
E. B. 1786 (Eph. Boynton, Jr.)

Pamilea dau. of
Capt. Jewett & Pamilea Boynton died June 9 1791 aged 1 month & 2 days.
Two children of Capt. Cyrus & Hannah Boynton.
Hannah born Dec. 13 1805
Amasa died June 4 1825 aged 3 days.

Edwin A. son of Paul & Hannah F. Boynton was drowned Oct. 15 1813 Ae 3 years.
A beauteous plant of heavenly hue
Midst thorns of sin and sorrow grew
But kindly plucked to heaven tis bome,
And in an angel's bosom wom.

Harriet A. dau. of Paul & Hannah Boynton died March 9 1816 aged 2 days.

Cyrus Boynton son of S. & N.R. Prentiss died May 22 1846 Ae 5 years.

Jewett Boynton died Dec. 4 1843 aged 80 years.
Permelia wife of Capt. Jewett Boynton died April 20 1849 Ae 81 yrs.

Levi Boynton died May 10 1835 Ae 48 years and 2 months.
Now friends dry up your tears
Let hopeless sorrows cease.
Bow to the sceptre of his love
And take the offered peace.

Mary wife of Levi Boynton died May 15 1832 Ae 43 years 10 months & 17 days.

Behold and see as you pass by
As you are now so once was I
As I am now so you must be
Prepare for death and follow me.

Silas son of Silas and Elizabeth Bigelow* died March 13 1815 Ae 19 years.
Youth and vigor soon will flee
Blooming beauty lose its charms
All that's mortal soon shall be
Enclos'd in death's cold arms.

Lentha dau. of Levi and Mary Boynton died Apr. 13 1824 aged 3 days.
Happy infant early blest
Has paid that debt and gone to rest.

George S. son of Levi & Mary Boynton died Mar. 4 1813 aged 1 0 weeks.
By this you see no age is free.
Prepare for death and follow me.

Susannah wife of
Joshua Aldrich & formerly wife of Roswell Holmes died Feb. 7 1858 Ae 77.

Roswell Holmes died April 12 1844 Ae 75,

In memory of Polly Warner dau. of
Mr. Benjamin & Mrs. Anna Warner who died Nov. 5 aged 7 months.

In memory of
Betsy Warner dau. of Mr. Benj. & Mrs. Anna Warner who died Oct. 8 1794 aged 8 yrs.

In memory of two sons of
Mr. Benj. & Mrs. Anna Warner born April 9 1797 died the same day.

Israel Warner died Sept. 26 1818 in the 34th year of his age.
He's gone and left this world of sin
This dark and dismal shore
We only part to meet again
To meet and part no more.

Joseph Knight died July 28 1830 Ae 53.

In memory of
Mrs. Lois Graves wife of Mr. Daniel Graves who died Oct. 15 1805 aged 57 yrs.
Thrice happy in her death
With joy she closed her eyes
Her soul prepared for nobler bliss
With Christ above the skyes.

Prescott Lawrence died Oct. 10 1840 Ae 62.

Capt. Nathan Wheeler died Sept. 7 1833 aged 33 years & 8 months.
God Called and I obeyed.

Mary Augusta daughter of
Nathan and Eunice Wheeler died Nov. 16 1837 Ae 5 yrs. & 11 mos.
Amos G. son of Nathan & Eunice Wheeler died July 29 1830 Ae 2 mos.

Infant of Nathan & Silence Wheeler.
Amos son of Nathan & Silence Wheeler died July 22 1809 Ae 5 mos.

Daniel son of Nathan & Silence Wheeler died Sept. 14 1808 Ae 2 yrs.

Silence wife of Nathan Wheeler Jr. died May 8 1858 Ae 76 yrs. 5 mos.

Nathan Wheeler Jr. died April 15 1833 Ae 65 years and 10 days.
Great God I own thy sentence just
And nature must decay
I yield my body to the dust
To dwell with fellow clay.

Sarah W. wife of Artemas Wheeler died Apr. 12 1857 Ae 52.
She has left this world her toils are oer
Free from all sorrow grief and pain
To us she will return no more
But she will meet with us again.

Artemas Wheeler died July 22 1843 aged 41 years.
Our life is ever on the wing
And death is ever nigh
The moment when our lives begin
We all begin to die.

Mary B. wife of Daniel A. Wheeler died April 30 1863 Ae 20 yrs. 8 mos. & 6 days.
Triumphant smiles the victor's brow
Fanned by some guardian angel's wing
Oh Grave where is thy victory now?
And where 0 death thy sting?

Sarah Hutchinson died Aug. 6 1820 Ae 99 years.
Although I sleep in death a while
Beneath this barren clod
Ere long I hope to rise and smile to
See my Saviour God.

Mrs. Hannah wife of Nathan Wheeler died Jan. 16 1813 Ae 70 years.
Nor pain nor grief nor anxious fear
Invade thy bounds no mortal woes
Can reach the peaceful sleeper here
While angels watch the soft repose.

Mr. Nathan Wheeler died Nov. 13 1819 Ae 84 years.
Unveil thy bosom faithful tomb
Take this new treasure to thy trust
And give this sacred relic room
To seek a slumber in the dust.

Persis wife of Simeon Alverson died Aug. 6 1853 Ae 90.
Forget not the dead who have left
us who have loved us

Harriet Ann dau. of Joseph & Ruth Pierce, died March 14 1818 aged 28 days.

Judith Leonard wife of Joseph Knight died Sept. 13 1842 Ae 35.

Martin Bryant died Jan. 13 1833 aged 67 years.
Nor royal gem nor pomp of fortunes crest
Marred his devotions or disturbed his breast
God's noblest work he allows this burial sod
A righteous man is the noblest work of God.

Betsey Bryant died Nov. 23 1813 aged 21 years.
Death rides on every passing breeze
And lurks in every flower
Each season has its own disease
Its peril every hour.

Harvey Bryant died Oct. 20 1828 aged 30 years.
Sleep precious dust in calm repose
Thy toil and pains are at a close
Thy happy soul with Jesus rests
In heavenly mansions with the blest.

Walton E. son of Nathaniel & Melinda Hatch died March 21 1825 aged 4 years.

Adolphus DosRochers son of
Felix & Sarah DesRochers died Sept. 3 1846 Ae 14 mcs. 24 dys.

Charles J. Barrett died March 13 1861 Ae 25 yrs. 3 mos. 11 days.
So strong in youth how can it be
Oh death to call so soon for me
My God sustain my weeping wife
Till thou shall bring us both to life
Together on the blissful shore
Where grief and tears are known no more.

In memory of Capt. John Sherwin who died Oct. 5 1830 Ae 72 years.
Farewell dear friends a short farewell
Till we shall meet again above
Where endless joys and pleasures dwell
And trees of life bear fruits of love.

In memory of Eunice wife of Capt. John Sherwin who died Nov. 21 1846 aged 76 years.
Capt. Charles Sherwin died Oct. 21 1862 Ae 66.
Sarah Griswold his wife died Feb. 23 1863 Ae 58 yrs. 5 mos.
Weep not for us our daughters dear
On earth we only lived for thee
From Heaven now in accents clear
We call "My children come to me."

Amanda Melvina dau. of
Charles & Sarah G. Sherwin died Dec. 29 1837 Ae 5 yrs. 11 mos.
Her race was fair but short on earth
Her duty was well done
Beloved by all who knew her worth
And all who knew her moum
Like a bright cloud of summer day
That sweetly fades at even
Amanda's spirit passed away
From earth to shine in heaven.

Clark H. Chapman 1822-1888 Ellen Sherwin his wife 1833-1898
Their children: 1862 Sarah G. 1863;
1869 Winnie M. 1870;
1864 Charles S. 1912.

Sarah wife of Jephtha Delano died Jan. 5 1859 Ae 90 years.

Flavius J. Fuller born July 10 1822 died Feb. 11 1864.

Jabez Fuller born at Middleborough Mass. July 19 1792
died at Perkinsville, Vt. July 15 1873

Sarah H. Fuller wife of Jabez Fuller born at Plymouth Mass.
May 6 1797 died Oct. 9 1878.

Fanny M. Ryder born Feb. 5 1818 died Oct. 29 1909.

Anna M. Billings born Nov. 25 1835 died Dec. 29 1904.

J. Martin Billings born Sept. 5 1818 died May 22 1901

Joseph son of C.E. & M.F. Butterfield June 19 1910-July 1 1910.
Baby Mar. 10 1907-Mar. 20 1907.

S. Warren Butterfield May 19 1844

S. Josephine Mudgett his wife Nov. 25 1846-Apr. 13 1910.

Henry M. Hall M.D. Surgeon 41st U.S.C.T.
Mar. 7 1834-Oct. 28 1899 Ae 65 yrs. 7 Mos. 21 days.

Laura D. Hall wife of
Charles Mudgett Dec. 26 1817-March 26 1897 Ae 79 yrs. 3 months.
Charles Mudgett Aug. 31 1814-Mar. 5 1893 Ae 78 yrs. 6 mos. 5 days.

In memory of
Colonel John Boynton an officer of the Revolution and his son Jewett Boynton who was a private soldier in the same war for independence.
Erected in 1908 by George B. Burrows a descendant.

* * * * * * * * * * END of Stones * * * * * * * * * *

QU E S T I O N S: Suggest that being a part of the Historical Society of Weathersfield, Vermont can offer you more information and add to your people's profile of history research, such as the work they were involved with, hardships of living in this town, working as a farmer, or hand to the farmer, caretaker and so forth, worked at keeping the roads clear and graded, worked for the town and other such things, such as teacher.

Where did they live within the township? How far did the kids have to walk to go to school, IN THE SNOW? Weather Conditions of the town, year of the big snows? Live stock handlers for the sheep? Sheep industry itself, Lumber Mills, Grist Mills, Apple industry, Cider Mills, and Maple sugar industry. What kind of Mill was located at Perkinsville? How many people were hired to work at that location? Where were the wool bens and where did the clippers do their work? Who was employed at the Government control Dam in the Valley? Who cut all that grass in that bottom land? What other projects were being done within the town?

M I L I T A R Y: Who were the men in Weathersfield and what Military Units were at Weathersfield, Vermont who are not buried here? What kind of Military Units were they? Light Infantry or Cannons.? What did the weapons look like? What were the weapons? Who of them joined Ira Allen Reg., Green Mountain Eastern Confluence to guard against the British on Vermont’s boundary’s against the British movements. Who joined Ethan Allen Green mountain Boys Western confluence against the British movements? What is a Militia or what was raised in 1775 from Weathersfield, Vermont to fight against the British and who were the leaders, Captains, Lt, Sgt, etc. from Weathersfield, Vermont. These Units need to be put together to help these people asking about their kin. What did their uniforms look like?

C E M E T E R Y:Now if this is of interest to you than I also say as a suggestion that the Historical Society look at all these kinds of questions and prepare to answers them if those people want to join the Weathersfield, Historical Society? What kind of condition are the

C E M E T E R Ystones in? Do you want to get donations for repair work or fixed them up in any way? Please tell the Historical Society People about this.

C o m m e n t s:Rules of Cemeteries are to be observed with reverence, when visiting in these cemeteries. Do not take rubbings, or any other method to get the information off the stones, even the acid from your hands, is destructive to the stones. In time it will destroy the surface of the stone where it, in time will not be readable. The best way to obtain data from the stone, is to purchase a camera at the store and take pictures close up. So that you have and can preserve the data from off the stones. Contact proper authorities for Services and Flag, placements.

Note:In cemeteries it is reasonable to have visitor registration booths, placements where the outside visitors may leave, comments, as to who they are looking for, and contact as to how they can be reached. For other means it is reasonable to contact the Historian for the town and or County, should one be assigned. Other means is the Federal snail Mail contact as shown. Another contact is the computer E-Mail and last is the phone contact should one be assigned, from the township.

O T H E R: In most cases the site manager is not a contact person who has either the time or interest in Genealogy or History of the site he manages

Weathersfield Historical Society News Letter:

E-Mail Contact person is Grace Knight.


Historical Information with New / Old Used books are available.

Contact:Rebecca W. Tucker


For a current list see http://users.adelphia.net/~rwctucker/

Weathersfield Historical Soc
2656 Center Road
Perkinsville VT 05151 
Phone 802 263-5230
Web Site
Type of Resource History Related Organization
Primary Focus: Historical Society

One can join for $7.50 right now, but will be subject to change over the years to come, Jan. 2006.

END 2008

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