Weathersfield, Vermont.

Est .in 1763.

Contributed by; Gary Allen Lull.

"Group one of Six"

Location is just off the Interstate 91.

At the corner of route 12 and 5.

East from

Perkinsville, Vermont.

In the township of

Weathersfield, Vermont.

In the County of Windsor, Vermont.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

* * * * * Instructions: * * * * *

For this cemetery page and the following group's of cemeteries;

It will require you to use your browser buttons

"Edit, Find" button on your browser, for each group, as they

were not all buried at once, or together in plots at the same time.

This group, and for cemetery’s to come will require you to use your “Edit, Find” button on your browser for your "search person," doing it many times.

Requiring you, to search for more surnames, in the same cemetery.

"Reason is,"

many surname families all buried at different times within the same


Note:Military RANKS are show here in red to locate them faster.

Has nothing to do which ARMY they belonged too!

“Please advise they need to have GAR markers on these graves.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Weathersfield Grave Yard History.

The Weathersfield burying ground’s, was originally placed together.

By E. W. Butterfield in a book.

As completed by him in 1914, shown here for your help and purchase.

See Weathersfield Historians or the Historical Society.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Grave Stones:* for group as follows:

Note:*Epitaphs* were recorded as shown from the stones that had them.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Surnames* are:

Adams, Allen, Allyn Allison, Angier, Atwood, Babcock, Bailey, Baker, Baldwin,

Bates, Beckley, Billings, Bisbee, Bisby, Blakeslee, Blanchard, Bowen, Boyd,

Boynton, Brigham, Brown, Bryant, Buckley, Burlingame, Burnap, Cabot, Cady,

Carey, Carlton, Carner, Chamberlin, Chase, Clarke, Clark, Clement , Coistan,

Comstock, Cone, Conner, Cook, Cree, Crocker, Dannatt, Davis, Dean, DeWain,

Diggins, Divoll, Downer, Durant, Ephraim, Flint, Garfield, Gay, Gaylord,

Gilmore, Gowing, Graves, Gravline, Grimes, Griswold, Grout, Farwell, Fay, Field,

Fifield, Filley, Firman, Fish, Freeman, Franklin, Gould, Hall, Hammond, Harlow,

Harrington, Harrison, Haskell, Hatch, Hathorn, Herrick, Heustis, Hitchcock,

Hicks, Hosley, Howard, Howe, Hubbard, Hulett, Johnson, Kemp, Kimball, Morse,

Kendall, Kenson, Kent, Knap, Lawrence, Lazelle, Leete, Leighton, Lewis,

Litchfield, Lombard, Lovejoy, Martin, Marcy, Mason, Matthews, Maynard, McEwan,

McGill, Messer, Mitchell, Morgan, Morse, Mudget, Murray, Nathaniel, Newell, N

ewhall, Norton, Noyes, Nutter, Nutting, Osborn, Parker, Parkhurst, Parmelee,

Patnode, Percis, Perkins, Perry, Phelps, Pierce, Pond, Porter, Pratt, Preston,

Price, Proctor, Prouty, Putnam, Quinn, Ray, Raichard, Redfield, Reed, Relict,

Rice, Richards, Robbins, Robinson, Rollinson, Royce, Sanders, Sargent, Sevigne,

Sewell, Sherman, Smith, Spencer, Sprague, Stevens, Stiles, Stone, Streeter,

Strow, Stowell, Sturtevant, Swallow, Swan, Taylor, Tibbets, Tidd, Thrasher,

Thomas, Tuel, Tuell, Tuttle, Upham, Van Ness, Warner, Warren, Waterman, Weston,

Westford, Wetherbee, Willett, Williams, Wilson, Whitaker, White, Whitcomb,

Whitmore, Wood, Wright.

Note:During Gary’s research some of the surnames found here can be found also at Ipswich, Mass., where they entered into the country either with John Winthrop of his 27 voyages or as Planters who where fisherman as listed as earlier. In 1601-1625 during Sir Fernando Georges visit in Agawams village in 1601 to establish William Jeffreys claim at Jeffreys neck. This neck was known as an Indian Village in Essex County Massachusetts, or Chebacco the place named by the Indians for Ipswich in Essex County, and/or as Newbury or Ipswich township/parish’s as town parishes in 1634/5, John Winthrop was noted as being the founding father of Ipswich as dated in 1634/35.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The Ascutney Cemetery is one cemetery, of

data taken down in groups I through VI.

North of Springfield, Vermont.

UPDATED: 12-29-2000

Contributed by; Gary Allen Lull.

Added as free genealogy to his Web site.

This Project was started in 1998 - to - end in 2004 for Weathersfield.

Some 13 Cemeteries for Weathersfield were the subject of Gary's research

during his time in Weathersfield, Vermont; during this time frame.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Darius Farwell died Jan. 1883 Ae 69 yrs.

Martha A. his wife died Mar. 12 1909 Ae 85 yrs.

Elizabeth Bowen died June 8 1853 Ae 74.

Be ye also ready for in such an hour

as ye think not the son of man cometh.

Fanny C. Bowen wife of Elisha Bowen died Nov. 23 1863 Ae 76 yrs. 8 ms.

Yea though I walk through the valley

of the shadow of death

I will fear no evil

for thou art with me.

Helen Knap wife of Amos S. Noyes died Dec. 5 1893 Ae 28 yrs. 6 mos. 2 dys.

Horace A. son of A.S. & S.A. Noyes died Oct. 12 1890 Ae 14 days.

Jerusha Sargent wife of Samuel Noyes born Nov. 18 1818 died June 14 1898.

Dear Mother. We know that thou

art at rest in Heaven.

May we all meet there at last

no more to part.

Charles Wetherbee Nov. 2 1846 Ae 80.

Rachel wife of Charles Wetherbee died Aug. 24 1839 Ae 74 yrs. 11 ms. 14 ds.

Elizabeth dau. of Charles and Rachel Wetherbee

died Jan. 23 1886 Ae56 yrs. 3ms. 10ds.

Joseph Weston died Nov. 25 1868 Ae 55 yrs.

Marianne his wife died Jan. 26 1859 Ae 42 yrs.

Mrs. Permelia S. Durant wife of Joseph Weston

died Oct. 11 1901 Ae 75 yrs. & 26ds.


Joseph S. died Aug. 31 1864 Ae 7 mos.

James son of Joseph and Marianne Weston 1839-1912.

Homer son of Joseph and Marianne Weston 1841-1912.

Buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Syracuse, N.Y.

Hiram S. Morse died May 18 1866 Ae 80 years.

The Battle all fought and victory won

Fearful we say God's will be done.

Charlotte L. Fish wife of Henry S. Morse

died June 16 1895 Ae 69 yrs. 3 mos. 20 ds.

After the toil and turmoil, After the strife is past.

Cometh the peace God giveth, Cometh the rest at last.

Isabel Murray wife of Henry S. Morse died Jan. 14 1847 Ae 39 yrs, 9 mos.

Behold and see as you pass by

As you are now so once was I

As I am now so shall you be

Prepare for death and follow me.

A. W. Leighton born Dec. 28 1829 died Feb. 11 1903.

Mary Ann Ae 13 yrs. & Rosell Ae 6 yrs.

Lorett Morse wife of A. W. Leighton

died May 31 1890 Ae 58 yrs. 2 mos. 25 dys.

Sarah H. dau. of A. W. & Lorett Leighton

died Oct. 3 1864 Ae 3 yrs. 11 mos. 19 days.

Samuel L. Fay died Jan. 14 1879 Ae 73 yrs. 7 mos. [Our Father.]

Louisa Herrick wife of Samuel Fay June 9 1811-April 9 1903.

Sarah Jane dau. of Samuel & L. Fay died March 13 1858 Ae 10 yrs. 7 mos.

Goodbye to Sarah the grave has not

A treasure more dear in its cold embrace

Goodbye but thou never shall be forgot

Thy memory in all of our hearts has a place.

Marcellus H. son of Samuel and L. Fay died Aug. 8 1846 Ae 10 yrs. 3 mos.

Ellen L. wife of John Howard died Oct. 22 1865 Ae 31 yrs. 8 mos.

Loved one thou has gone to rest

Thine is an empty tomb

But Jesus summoned thee away

Thy Savior called thee home.

Mary A Fay wife of Rev. George G. Davis died May 18 1866 Ae 33 yrs. 11 mos.

She fell asleep to waken there.

Carry M. Fay wife of Rollin K. Sherman

died Jan. 22 1867 Ae 31 yrs. 3mos. 5days.

Blessed are the pure in heart

for they shall see God.

Joseph L. Patnode April 1 1861 -Feb. 1 1888.

Asleep in Jesus.

Amos Royce died Sept. 5 1873 Ae 69 yrs. 11 mos. 19 dys.

Sarah M. Royce died May 30 1882 Ae 40 yrs. 2 mos. 15 dys.

William B. Royce died May 3 1859 Ae 23 yrs. 6 mos. 6 dys.

Daniel L. Royce died Aug. 2 1870 Ae 37 yrs. 7 mos. 16 dys.

Ephraim Thrasher died Mar. 9 1853 Ae 59 yrs. 11 mos.

Laura Ann dau. of Ephraim & Alice Thrasher

died Sept. 18 1844 Ae 19 yrs. 7 m’s 15 ds.

Her life was brief her toils are over,

And rest to her is given.

Though clods of earth her form enfolds,

Her spirit dwells in heaven.

Martin E. Thrasher A.M. 1833-1858.

Ollie Thrasher dau. of Jacob & Ollie Thrasher

died March 12 1844 aged 53 years.

Formerly of Grantham, N.H.

J. Selwin son of Solon & Frances Maria Divoll

died Dec. 31 1851 Ae 1 yr. 11 m’s 28 dys.

Reuben Strow Jr. died Jan. 3 1845 aged 48 years.

Betsey wife of Reuben Strow died Oct. 20 1850 Ae 86.

Reuben Straw died Aug. 27 1850 Ae 84.

Allison Richards son of D.C. and Nancy Hicks

died Dec. 5 1856 Ae 7 yrs. 1 mo. 17 d’s.

Davis C. Hicks died Aug. 4 1862 Ae 48 yrs. 1 mo. 23 dys.

Edna L. wife of Benjamin Harlow died Jan. 11 1892 Ae 49.

Dearest loved one we have laid thee

In the peaceful grave's embrace

But thy memory will be cherished

Till we see thy heavenly face.

Benjamin Harlow died May 8 1906 Ae 84.

Tis but the casket lies here

The gem that filled it sparkles yet.

Mary Elizabeth Farwell July 23 1843-July 16 1846.

Gilman Farwell Dec. 6 1806-June 18 1855.

Susan D. Bisbee July 24 1813-May 18 1888. Stone marked: Mata.

James Weston died Aug. 5 1856 Ae 48 yrs.

There is rest in heaven.

Mary Ann Murray wife of James Weston died Dec. 29 1871 Ae 56 yrs.

Victoria Weston died Nov. 10 1847 Ae 8 yrs. 8 mos. 19 days.

Dear parents to Jesus in confidence flee

And dry up the tears which are falling for me

The night of your sorrow will quickly be over

And then we shall meet and our savior adore.

Dear brother and sister though early we part

I trust we still are united in heart

Dear Scholars I leave you and bid you adieu

No longer I meet for instruction with you.

In the morning of life I thus passed away

With friends and connections no longer I stay

I have joined the school triumphant above

Where all is peace, harmony and love.

Minot Wright died April 16 1899 Ae 86 yrs. 6 mos.

Mary L. Clark wife of Minot Wright died Nov. 9 1889 Ae 74 yrs. 7 mos.

Mrs. Phebe Wright died June 9 1869 Ae 91 yrs. 5 mos.

In memory of our mother.

Betsey Harrington wife of Reuben Kimball

died April 1 1872 Ae 77 yrs. 8 mos. 18 dys.

Reuben Kimball died Jan. 17 1855 Ae 60 yrs.

Daniel Kimball died Feb. 25 1847 Ae 87 yrs.

Mary wife of Daniel Kimball died Oct. 24 1846 Ae 84 yrs.

Betsey wife of Darius J. Hatch died Aug. 10 1842 Ae 28 yrs. 2 mos.

We mourm not for her removed from pain

Our loss we trust is her eternal gain

With her we'll strive to win the Savior's love

And hope to join her with the blest above.

Lois D. dau. of Darius J. & Betsey D. Hatch

died Sept. 11 1839 Ae 7 yrs. 25 dys.

Infant son of Darius J. & Betsey D. Hatch died Dec. 14 1837 Ae 7 dys.

Eli Sanders M.D. died Nov. 9 1862 Ae 62 yrs. 5 mos. 11 days.

Yea though I walk through the valley

of the shadow of death I will fear no evil

for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff

they comfort me.

Elizabeth wife of Dr. Eli Sanders

died Dec. 2 1849 Ae 47 yrs. 10 mos. 10 dys.

Be ye ready also for the son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not.

Infant dau. of Dr. Eli and Elizabeth Sanders died Mar. 25 1827.

Merritt son of Dr. Eli and Elizabeth Sanders died Mar. 26 1831 Ae 3 days.

Allison Richards died Nov. 8 1844 aged 44 years 10 months and 8 days.

Asenah D. wife of Allison Richards died Oct. 7 1839 Ae 22 yrs. 11 mos.

Also her Infant son Ae 1 Mo.

Ziba Parmelee died Sept. 16 1853 Ae 76.

Asenah wife of Ziba Parmelee died Nov. 20 1849 Ae 71

Infant son of Giles W. and Susan Clarke died Nov. 23 1840.

Elizabeth wife of Pliny Gay born Jan. 18 1827 died July 17 1894.

Pliny Gay born Dec. 19 1807 died Aug. 8 1892.

Julia A. wife of Pliny Gay died Jan. 9 1847 Ae 33 years.

Infant dau. of Pliny and Julia Gay died Nov. 1 1842.

George A. son of Pliny and Julia Gay

died Oct. 17 1844 Ae 1 yr. 3 mos. 8 days.

Willie J. son of Pliny and Elizabeth Gay

died June 11 1854 Ae 10 mos. 22 days.

More fondly we loved him than language can tell

Stern death has removed him but yet all is well.

Frank B. son of Pliny and Elizabeth M. Gay died Nov. 3 1863 Ae 12 yrs.

Not lost but gone before.

Lemuel Blakeslee died Jan. 29 1840 aged 57 years.

Elizabeth Richards wife of Lemuel Blakeslee died May 2 1871 aged 88 yrs

Only just across the river

Are the friends we loved below.

Marinda B. wife of Sherwin Graves died Dec. 13 1841 aged 31 Yrs.

James Reed died Mar. 11 1884 Ae 86 yrs. 6 mos.

At rest.

Susan Newhall wife of James Reed died March 29 1884 Ae 81 yrs. 8 mos.

Asleep in Jesus.

Cornelius Van Ness

son of James and Susan Reed died Feb. 9 1842 Ae 16 yrs. 9 mos, 19 days.

Sleep precious dust in calm repose

Thy toils and pains are at a close

Thy happy soul with Jesus rest, In heavenly mansion with the blest.

Arthur L. Comstock 1877-1910.

Jane Davis wife of Ira S. Comstock 1822-1892.

Samantha P. wife of Edson Baldwin 1844-1886.

Lizzie J. Baldwin 1868-1887.

Harrison H. Sprague died Jan. 20 1891 Ae 32 yrs. 10 mos.

Charles M. R. Sprague died Nov. 16 1866 Ae 30 yrs. 4 mos.

Charlie Rollinson died June 17 1891 Ae 8 yrs. 3 dys.

Joseph Rollinson Co. 7th Vt. Vol. 1846-1911.

Rose Patnode his wife 1851.

Lavina Swan died Apr. 1 1894 Ae 89 yrs. I mo. 24 dys.

Lydia E. Mitchell died Oct. 25 1855 Ae 20 yrs.

Dolly wife of James Mitchell died June 3 1861 Ae 63.

Rest gently mother dear

For thou hast past away

From this vain world of sorrow

Of suffering and decay.

James Mitchell died Feb. 16 1862 Ae 76.

We turn our weeping eyes on high

Where comfort to the grieved is given

For something points us to the sky

And softly whispers he is in heaven.

John W. son of Nathaniel and Anna Pierce

died Mar. 4 1832 Ae 9 yrs. 4 mos. 19 days.

Louisa Pierce died Aug. 4 1885 Ae 78 yrs. 9 mos.

This monument is erected to the memory of

Willard D. son of Nathaniel and Anna Pierce

who died March 27 1848 Ae 30 yrs. 11 mos. 1 day.


Anna Davis wife of Nathaniel Pierce died July 10 1846 Ae 64 yrs. 10 mos. 4 dys.

Nathaniel Pierce died March 18 1866 Ae 82.

Blessed is every one who feareth the

Lord who walketh in his ways.

Frederick W. son of B.T. & H.H. Lombard died Jan. 9 1863 Ae 2 yrs. 2 mos.

George Albert son of B.T. & H.H. Lombard died Sept. 14 1860 Ae 1 yr. 2 mos.

Harriet H. Flint wife of Benj. T. Lombard died May 16 1861 Ae 25 yrs. 6 mos.

Nahan Lombard died July 16 1868 Ae 52.

Francema A. dau. of Naham and Elizabeth Lombard died Mar. 24 1852 Ae 18 yrs.

Lucyett C. dau. of Naham and Elizabeth Lombard Mar. 18 1838 Ae 2 yrs.

Elizabeth wife of Naham Lombard died Feb. 19 1857 Ae 48 yrs. 1 0

Lucinda wife of Joseph Weston died June 11 1832 Ae 72.

Blessed are they who do his

commandments that they may have

right to the tree of life and may

enter in through the gates into the city.

Joseph Weston died Jan. 14 1838 Ae 62.

Friends and physicians could not save

This mortal body from the grave

Nor can the grave contain it here

When Christ our conqueror shall appear,

Mariam wife of Richard Farwell died Aug. 21 1842 Ae 62.

Behold and see as you pass by

As you are now so once was I

As I am now so must you be

Prepare for death and follow me.

Richard Farwell died Apr. 23 1859 Ae 82.

Benj. Farwell died Jan. 2 1851 Ae 39

Friends and Physicians could not save

My mortal body from the grave

Nor can the grave contain it here

When Christ my Savioar shall appear.

Haskell D. Farwell died Mar. 2 1856 Ae 41.

George H. Gowing died Dec. 1 1853 Ae 17, only child of B.F. and S.E. Gowing.

Farewell dear George our only one

Quickly life's short race you run.

Ere the bloom of youth was gone

The reaper came and called him home

An angel clad in robes of light

Came to him in his dreams at night

And bade him come,

To tread the peaceful happy shore

Where sin and sorrow are no more

The angels home.

Sarah E. wife of Dea. B.F. Gowing died Dec. 18 1872 Ae 60 yrs. 7 dys.

God gave, he took, he will restore

He doeth all things well.

Dea. S.F. Gowing died Mar. 24 1895 Ae 84 yrs. 5 mos.

At rest.

Henry E. Mitchell1846 - 1900

Julia Adams, his wife1845 - 1910

Nellie A. 1869 - 1904

Clarence C.1875 - 1900

Willie1872 - 1872

Children of H.E. & J. A. Mitchell

Bradley Mitchell 1814-1876.

Emerline Grout, his wife 1817-1889.

Edwin H. Litchfield born Dec. 4 1829 died Aug. 25 1909.

Caroline Upham his wife born Jan. 6 1825 died July 29 1908.

Isaac Litchfield died Nov. 4 1877 Ae 86 yrs, 8 mos.

Hannah M. wife of Isaac Litchfield died Jan. 1 1873 Ae 66 yrs. 8 mos.

Albert E. son of E.H. & C. Litchfield died Dec. 15 1882 Ae 24 yrs. 3 mos.

Mourn not the lived one gone

His sufferings all are oer

He sleeps a silent dreamless sleep

To wake on earth no more.

Henry S. Bowen born Dec. 1 1815 died March 19 1902.

Caroline Pratt Bowen wife of Henry S. Bowen born at Boston, Mass.

Died April 16 1821

at Ascutneyville Vt. Mar. 5 1883.

Henry A. died June 18 1850.

Caroline J. died April 5 1854.

[infant children of Henry S. & Caroline P. Bowen.]

Edson Chamberlin Born Dec. 12 1807 died Oct. 8 1880.

Amanda wife of Edson Chamberlin died Apr. 3 1885 Ae 76 yrs.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * END of 1 of 6 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Beginning2 of Six * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ Ascutneyville Cemetery ~
Contributed. By Gary Allen Lull.
Weathersfield, Vermont.

Disk 2 of 6;
Location is just off the Interstate 91,and at the corner of route 12 and 5.

Surnames* are:

Adams, Allen, Allyn Allison, Angier, Atwood, Babcock, Bailey, Baker, Baldwin, Bates, Beckley, Billings, Bisbee, Bisby, Blakeslee, Blanchard, Bowen, Boyd, Boynton, Brigham, Brown, Bryant, Buckley, Burlingame,.Burnap, Cabot, Cady, Carey, Carlton, Carner, Chamberlin, Chase, Clarke, Clark, Clement , Coistan, Comstock, Cone, Conner, Cook, Cree, Crocker, Dannatt, Davis, Dean, DeWain, Diggins, Divoll, Downer, Durant, Ephraim, Flint, Garfield, Gay, Gaylord, Gilmore, Gowing, Graves, Gravline, Grimes, Griswold, Grout, Farwell, Fay, Field, Fifield, Filley, Firman, Fish, Freeman, Franklin, Gould, Hall, Hammond, Harlow, Harrington, Harrison, Haskell, Hatch, Hathorn, Herrick, Heustis, Hitchcock, Hicks, Hosley, Howard, Howe, Hubbard, Hulett, Johnson, Kemp, Kimball, Morse, Kendall, Kenson, Kent, Knap, Lawrence, Lazelle, Leete, Leighton, Lewis, Litchfield, Lombard, Lovejoy, Martin, Marcy, Mason, Matthews, Maynard, McEwan, McGill, Messer, Mitchell, Morgan, Morse, Mudget, Murray, Nathaniel, Newell, Newhall, Norton, Noyes, Nutter, Nutting,Osborn, Parker, Parkhurst, Parmelee, Patnode, Percis, Perkins, Perry, Phelps, Pierce, Pond, Porter, Pratt, Preston, Price, Proctor, Prouty, Putnam, Quinn, Ray, Raichard, Redfield, Reed, Relict, Rice, Richards, Robbins, Robinson, Rollinson, Royce, Sanders, Sargent, Sevigne, Sewell, Sherman, Smith, Spencer, Sprague, Stevens, Stiles, Stone, Streeter, Strow, Stowell, Sturtevant, Swallow, Swan, Taylor, Tibbets, Tidd, Thrasher, Thomas, Tuel, Tuell, Tuttle, Upham, Van Ness, Warner, Warren, Waterman, Weston, Westford, Wetherbee, Willett, Williams, Wilson, Whitaker, White, Whitcomb, Whitmore, Wood, Wright.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Grave Stones are:

Charles Delos Cady born May 27 1833 died Sept. 6 1889.
Ellen H. Whitaker wife of Carlos D. Cady born March 1 1889.
Henry F. Cady June 6 1865-May 12 1906.

Our loved one. Joseph Upham 1812-1895.

Edwin T. Atwood M.D. born June 16 1834 died Dec. 24 1863.
Mary A. Chamberlin wife of E.T. Atwood M.D. born April 4 1833 died Mar. 14 1866.

Lizzie Chamberlin dau. of E.T. & M.A. Atwood born Oct. 13 1860 died July 6 1875.
She trusted in Jesus of whose love
she had an assurance and
professed her faith in him at the
age of eight years.

Mary Maria dau. of
Edwin T. and Mary A.C. Atwood born Sept. 8 1862 died July 18 1863.

Infant son of Elijah and Kesiah Whitmore died Sept. 25 1847. F.T.C.

Lucy A. wife of Albert Dean died Oct. 4 1852 Ae 33 yrs.

Lydia wife of Caswell Tuell died Feb. 13 1852 Ae 62 yrs.

Jehiel Whitmore died Aug. 19 1847 Ae 83.
Molly wife of Jehiel Whitmore died Jan. 21 1849 Ae 84.

Mrs. Percis wife of John Carner died Dec. 16 1830 Ae 43.

Jehiel son of Jehiel and Molly Whitmore died Feb. 6 1836 Ae 38 yrs.

Luther Spencer died Sept. 6 1841 aged 75 years.
Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.
Sarah wife of Luther Spencer died Dec. 20 1840 Ae 93.
Luke Spencer died April 26 1828 aged 25 years and 3 months.
Afflictions sore long time I bore
Physicians were in vain
Dred death did seize and God did please
To ease me of my pain.

Guy Spencer died Aug. 21 1865 Ae 64 years.

Elizabeth Spencer wife of Guy Spencer born Sept. 3 1802 died Feb. 28 1877.
George Diggins died Sept. 11 1880 Ae 78.
Minerva Dean wife of George Diggins died Feb. 9 1887 Ae 62 years.
Georgie W. son of George & Minerva Dean Diggins died Aug. 21 1840 Ae 2 yrs. 2 mos.

Eivira Diggins wife of Azro D. Martin died July 5 1885 Ae 24 yrs.
Farewell thou dear Elvira fare thee well
Thy countless charms we see no more
Our heartfelt pains no tongue can tell
While we thine earthly death deplore.

John Smith died Sept. 16 1848 Ae 51 yrs. 10 days.
Olive wife of John Smith and daughter of Benajah and Lydia Dean

died Aug. 22 1846 aged 34 yrs. 4 mos. and 11 days.

Oscar H. son of John & Olive Smith died Oct. 31 1836 Ae 13 mos.9 days
Harrison D. son of John & Olive Smith died Feb. 24 1841 Ae 3 yrs. 6 mos. 1 1 dys.
Charles E. son of John & Olive Smith died Dec. 28 1842 Ae 16 mos. 9 dys.
Horace D. son of John & Olive Smith died Sept. 9 1845 Ae 2 mos. 9 dys.

Henry A. Taylor died Jan. 21 1898 Ae 57 yrs.
Sergt. Co. 1, 7th Vt. VOIS.

Mary Wood died March 3 1840 aged 24 years.
Oreb Wood died Dec. 18 1833 aged 36 years.

Isaiah Wood died Jan. 15 1833 aged 65 years.
Azubah wife of Isaiah Wood died Jan. 27 1868 aged 91 yrs. 5 mos.

John Robinson died Sept. 20 1894 Ae 83 yrs. 3 mos. 15 dys.
Amanda Wood wife of John Robinson died Sept. 21 1878 Ae 70.

David son of David and Nancy Perry died May 20 1847 Ae 16 yrs. 5 mos.

Sarah wife of Amasa Gaylord died March 23 1847 Ae 41 yrs.
Amasa Gaylord died Nov. 17 1847 Ae 51 years.

In memory of two sons of Darius and Azubah Parkhurst
Simeon Sabin died Feb. 7 1810 Ae 10 mos and 17 dys.
Horace died March 19 1823 Ae 1 1 mos.

Esther dau. of Darius & Azubah Parkhurst died Sept. 29 1823 Ae 4 yrs. 1 mo. 7 dys.
John son of Darius and Azubah Parkhurst died Feb. 25 1825 Ae 1 yr. 28 dys.

Orson Parkhurst Dec. 19 1804-Dec. 26 1889.
Rosetta Graves his wife Sept. 17 1807-July 3 1886.
Azubah wife of Darius Parkhurst died Feb. 23 1828 Ae 43 yrs. 7 mos. 23 days.

Martha Parkhurst formerly wife of Gershom Clark Jr. died May 18 1840 Ae 54 yrs.

Gershom Clark Jr. died June 23 1828 aged 41 years.

Ruth wife of David Wetherbee died May 8 1852 Ae 50.
Polly wife of David Wetherbee died Oct. 18 1824 Ae 47 years.
Time's empty vapors 0 how vain
How soon our joys are gone
Our mortal hopes how soon they are slain
And leave the heart to groan.

Lucia Maria daughter of John & Esther Maynard died June 9 1835 Ae 25.
Esther wife of Thomas Richards died Sept. 1 1844 Ae 62 yrs. 5 mos. 21 days;
formerly wife of John Maynard Esq. late of Springfield, VT.
Elizabeth wife of Thomas Richards died June 27 1826 Ae 63 yrs. 9 mos. 27 dys.
Thomas Richards died Aug. 19 1844 Ae 79 yrs. 4 mos. 2 dys.

David consort of Jemima Hicks died Dec. 25 1826 in his 51st year.
Thy character is registered in heaven where we trust a
happy eternity awaits thee.

Mary wife of David Conner died March 11 1843 Ae 92 years.
David Conner died May 23 1827 aged 84 years and 2 months.
Olive wife of Joseph Conner died Oct. 20 1843 aged 65 years.
Joseph Conner died June 19 1855 aged 85 years and 8 months.
Betsy wife of Orasmus Conner died Nov. 27 1852 Ae 45 yrs. 6 mos.
Friends and physicians could not save
My mortal body from the grave
Nor can the grave contain it here
When Christ my Savior doth appear.

Orasmus Conner died Jan. 17 1854 Ae 49.
Lucy S. wife of Edwin Conner died Aug. 20 1854 Ae 42 yrs.
Rest dear mother now in heaven
They sufferings all are oer
Thow hast gone to Christ above
To dwell forevermore.

Edwin Conner died June 25 1868 Ae 58.
There is rest in heaven.

Servatus Conner died at Alexandria, Va. Dec. 17 1862 Ae 28.
He died in the service of his country defending her Constitution and Union
Our noble son and brother has gone to rest
No sin nor sorrow to stain his breast.

Sarah wife of Erastus Conner died May 5 1886 Ae 76.
Erastus Conner died April 4 1875 Ae 73 years and 6 months.

Robert Atwood M.D. died Nov. 14 1874 Ae 71.
Maria Nutting wife of Robert Atwood died Mar. 28 1848 Ae 35.
Eivira Maria daughter of Dr. Robert and E. Maria Atwood died Sept. 14 1859 Ae 19 yrs.

Robert N. Atwood M.D. born July 20 1838 died Nov. 1 1870.
Isabel F.M. Bisby wife of Robert N. Atwood M.D. born June 7 1837 died June 4 1880,

Daniel Haskell son of Roger Haskell born Oct. 17 1797 died Feb. 25 1882.
An honest man who walked in the fear of God.

Betsy Richards wife of Daniel Haskell born Nov. 8 1794 died Mar. 24 1869.

Jonathan Wetherbee died Aug. 6 1873 Ae 76 yrs. 3 mos.
Roxy Burlingame wife of Jonathan Wetherbee died Mar. 27 1886 Ae 92 yrs. 3 mos.
Clara Ellen dau. of Dewitt C. & Ellen Wetherbee Thrasher died May 26 1889 Ae 24 yrs.

Ellen Wetherbee wife of Dewitt C. Thrasher 1830-1914.
Dewitt C. Thrasher died Feb. 5 1896 Ae 65 yrs.

Eli R. Dean died Dec. 9 1878 Ae 76 yrs. 8 mos. 14 dys.
Lydia H. wife of Eli R. Dean died Jan. 9 1891 Ae 81 yrs. 10 mos.

Walter Newell died Sept. 13 1875 Ae 69 years.
My rest is in heaven my home is not here.

Avis Dean wife of Walter Newell died Nov. 11 1866 Ae 79 years.
There will be no sorrow there.

Christinia A. dau. of Walter and Avis Newell died Sept. 15 1910 Ae 77.

Harley S. Cone Dec. 28 1817-Jan 16 1907.
Estella J. Adams
wife of Harley S. Cone died Nov. 9 1874 Ae 49 yrs. 8 months.
For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain.

Infant son of Harley and Estella Cone died Oct. 31 1857 Ae 4 days.
Fare thee well my darling one
Life's short race you quickly run
Four days only you lingered here.

Volney H. son of Harley & Estella Cone died Aug. 7 1857 Ae 4 yrs. 1 0 days.
We miss dear little Volney, his light step I can not hear,
his look of love, his tender word, where is my mother dear.
Volney he has gone and left us all. Say he has gone with
joy, 0 yes he is now in heaven never will he sorrow know
ever will he be with angels and I know tis well tis so.

Clarence A. son of Harley & Estella Cone died Nov. 20 1859 Ae 4 yrs. 4 mos. 15 dys.
Clarence he has gone and left us
It is so hard to say
Lone and weary sad our hearts are
Now that he has gone away.
Three little forms are sleeping
Who to our hearts were very dear
Sweet roses we will plant around
To deck this dear and sacred ground.

Elias Katie E. Cone his wife, 1850-1908.
E. Cone 1850-1939

Sarah S. Clement died Sept. 27 1871 aged 79 years.
Asleep in Jesus blessed sleep.

Capt. Sewell Clement died Oct. 15 1864 aged 78 years.
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.

Cylenda B. dau. of Sewell and Sarah Clement died July 8 1831 Ae 3 yrs. 8 mos.

Marietta C. Garfield died Oct. 17 1871 Ae 52 yrs.
daut. of Capt. Sewell & Sarah S. Clement.
Not dead but sleepeth.

Mary Ella dau. of Allen & Elvira E. Murray died Feb. 11 1854 Ae 1 yr. 3 mos.
Rest little Ella now in heaven
Thy sufferings all are over
Thou art gone to dwell with Christ above
And we must weep no more.

Elery son of Charles and Sukey Coistan died June 25 1824 Ae 16 yrs.
One rough stone.

Chester R. Royce died July 5 1857 Ae 56 yrs.

Stephen B. son of Chester & Mary Ann Royce died May 30 1830 Ae 1 yr. 1 1 mos.

Mrs. Ester wife of Tirus Preston died April 25 1830 Ae 71 years.

In memory of
Mr. Tirus Preston who was drowned May 30 1798 in the 45th year of his age.
One rough stone.

Jacob Osborn
son of Asa & Sibel Porter died Sept. 17 1825 Ae 1 0 years 1 1 months 17 days.

John Preston died Dec. 24 1860 aged 80.
Rebecca his wife died Feb. 1 1852 aged 67.

Rebecca L. Preston Sept. 15 1867 aged 26.

William Ray died April 23 1840 aged 26.

Mary R. Preston his wife died Sept. 4 1843 aged 24
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.

Marrilia dau. of Freeman & Eveline Hatch died Sept. 4 1849 Ae 2 yrs.

Joshua G. Gowing murdered July 23 1867 Ae 56.
Abigail H. wife of Joshua G. Gowing murdered July 23 1867 Ae 51
Herman G. son of Joshua G. & Abigail H. Gowing died Aug. 29 1859 Ae 13 yrs. 8 mos.
Oscar H. son of Joshua G. & Abigail H. Gowing died Feb. 3 1863 Ae 12 yrs. 6 mos.
Gardner son of Joshua G. & Abigail H. Gowing died Feb. 17 1863 Ae 6 yrs. 6 mos.
Ella Gowing died Feb. 2 1878 Ae 24.
She trusted in Jesus.

Minerva Wheeler wife of Dennis Carey 1810-1850.
[Erected by her daughter Susan Irish Crocker]

John M. Wright Co. K. 16th Regt. Vt. Vols. March 12 1839 - Dec. 10 1897.
Ethel M. daughter March 9 1880 - Sept. 13 1880.
Ella Sophia dau. of J.M. & M.O. Wright 1877 - 1900.
Little Roscoe.

Lothario Lovejoy born April 6 1822 died Nov. 15 1883.
From realms of joy an angel came
Though hidden from our view
And opened wide the gates of light
To lead our loved one through.

Alice M. Lovejoy born Aug. 5 1826 died Nov. 21 1907.
My work is done I am at rest,

Marvin E. Bisbee died Aug. 20 1895 Ae 54 yrs. 5 mos.
Gone to rest.

Almira R. wife of Marvin Bisbee died Sept. 19 1872 Ae 27 yrs. 8 mos. 20 dys.

Polly M. wife of J. N. Hatch died Oct. 24 1871 Ae 72 yrs.
Rest dear mother forever rest
From earthly sorrows free
Why should we moum that thou art blessed
The Savior calleth thee
Rest dear mother the struggle is oer
The last fond look is given
Oh let the weary spirit soar
And sweetly rest in heaven.

Jonathan N. Hatch died May 13 1876 Ae 76 yrs. 2 mos.

Isaac T. Strow died Aug. 31 1874 Ae 76.
Nancy McEwan wife of Isaac T. Strow died Dec. 6 1884 Ae 83.

I. Archibald Strow died March 18 1880 Ae 58 yrs. 10 mos.
Sarah S. Hall his wife died April 21 1895 Ae 73 yrs. 5 mos.

John Tuttle died Nov. 8 1885 Ae 73 yrs. 4 mos.

Lorinda Messer wife of John Tuttle died May 9 1904 Ae 86 yrs. 6 mos.
Franklin E. died Nov. 22 1840 Ae 3 mos.
Alice Jane died Aug. 15 1849 Ae 6 yrs.
[Children of John & Lorinda Tuttle.]

Mary L. Tuttle wife of J. C. Chamberlain died at Minneapolis, Minn.
Dec. 1 1875 Ae 27 yrs. 1 mo. 17 days.

In memory of
Sandborne M. Diggins who died Oct. 11 1881 Ae 40 yrs. & 6 mos.
Gertrude Maude daughter of S.M. & J.L. Diggins died Dec. 4 1887 Ae 7 yrs. 6 mos.

Chauncey Kimball 1831-1910.
Adelia L. Mitchell his wife 1837
born June 6 1804 died Apr. 22 1877.
Samuel Kimball born June 6 1804 died Apr. 22 1877.
Electa Morgan wife of Samuel Kimball born Jan. 20 1804 died Mar. 21 1877

Abbie Jane died July 6 1863 Ae 4 yrs.
John William died Sept. 15 1863 Ae 6 yrs.
[Children of W.S. & A.B. Allison.]

Susan L. daughter of Josiah & Lucinda Hatch died April 30 1849 Ae 15 yrs. & 6 mds.
How soon all earthly joys are fled
And you are numbered with the dead.

Lucinda wife of Josiah Hatch died Jan. 1 1880 Ae 76 yrs. 4 mos.
Josiah Hatch died Aug. 16 1873 Ae 78 yrs.

Isaac Proctor Westford, Mass. Aug. 1758, Reading, Vt. June 07, 1812.
Enlisted June 18 1777 and served during the Revolutionary War,
wintered at Valley Forge, was in the battle of Monmouth, NJ and many others.

Erected by his grandson Benjamin F.Blood 1901.
"Should have American Rev., marker and Flag?"

Rebecah wife of Isaac Proctor died Jan. 20 1832 Ae 69 yrs. & 5 mos.

Philip Proctor died Aug. 11 1860 Ae 63 yrs. 10 mos.
Gone while earthly friends deplore thee
To the dark and silent tomb
Rest thou then for Christ before thee
Robbed the grave of all its gloom.

Charlotte Haskell wife of Philip Proctor died Mar. 24 1880 Ae 85 yrs

Paschal P. son of Philip and Charlotte Proctor died Oct. 26 1853 Ae 18.
Farewell dear Paschal fare thee well
Thy countless charms we see no more
Our heartfelt pains no tongue can tell
While we thine early death deplore.

Esther P. Proctor died May 27 1877 Ae 48 yrs. 6 mos.

Warren D. Atwood died Sept. 20 1872 Ae 23 years.

David Atwood died Nov. 10 1864 Ae 55 yrs. 2 mos.
He is not here for he is risen.

Nancy M. Warren wife of David Atwood died April 6 1895 Ae 82 years 9 mos.
At rest.

Catherine F. dau. of Charles & Catherine Sturtevant died Feb. 17 1827 Ae 15 mos.

William H. son of Charles & Catherine Sturtevant died Oct. 16 1822 Ae 2 yrs. 18 days.

Robt A. Dannatt died Aug. 24 1890 Ae 74 yrs.

Melissa wife of Robt Dannatt died Feb. 24 1854 Ae 24. Also an infant son.

Abigail wife of Josiah Cady died Nov. 15 1858 in her 34th year.
And her infant aged two days.

Josiah R. Cady died Sept. 18 1839 aged 42 years.

Sarah Haskell wife of M.C. Ferrin died Sept. 17 1899 Ae 71 yrs. 7 mos. 19 dys.

Zebina H. Haskell died 1824 Ae 3 days.
George P. Haskell died 1830 Ae 1 1 days.
Henry H. Haskell died April 9 1840 Ae 14 yrs. 7 mos.

Prudence Sprague wife of J. Austin Haskell died Jan. 16 1873 Ae 74 yrs. 8 mos.
I have trusted my savior in life and can in death.

J. Austin Haskell died Dec. 31 1869 Ae 77.
Asleep in Jesus.

DeWain died Mar. 17 1828 Ae 20 days.
John DeWain died Feb. 9 1827 Ae 1 month.
[Sons of Reuben and Elizabeth Strow.]
Sleep sweet babes make your rest
From care and trouble free.

Nathanial Hatch died July 29 1865Ae 70 yrs. Also an infant son.
Amanda Hatch died Feb. 26 1853 Ae 84 yrs.

Molly H. wife of Josiah Hatch born April 26 A.D. 1766 in Norton state of Massachusetts
died at Weathersfield, VT. July 04, A.D. 1844.

Here rests a patriot of '76. Capt. Josiah Hatch was born in the city of New Haven Ct.
July 1758; died Jan. 14 1837.
Be ye also ready for in such an hour as ye
think not the son of man cometh.

Tyrus son of Orrin and Ruth Phelps died Jan. 28 1827 Ae 19 years.

Martha J. Proctor wife of John A. Waterman died May 2 1877 Ae 45 yrs. 11 mos.
John A. Waterman died Jan. 17 1877 Ae 49 yrs. 6 mos. 7 dys.

Elijah Whitaker born Sept. 13 1830 died Dec. 20 1887.
Sarah Jane Morse wife of Elijah Whitaker born Dec. 20 1832 died Oct. 11 1909.

Chauncey Chamberlin died April 13 1879 Ae 82.
Fanny T. wife of Chauncey Chamberlin died July 31 1836 Ae 38.

Eunice S. wife of Chauncey Chamberlin died Oct. 17 1876 Ae 76.

Mariette Thrasher wife of Jacob Reed Haskell born Dec. 5 1826 died May 1 1885,
Jacob Reed Haskell born Jan. 25 1815 died Oct. 10 1875.

Royal Tuell died July 12 1876 Ae 62.
One of God's chosen.

Martha E. Tuell died Dec. 21 1891 Ae 72.

Francis G. Upham May 12 1823-Dec. 17 1908.
Lucia A. Bryant his wife Nov. 7 1836-Jan. 18 1907.
Stella Upham Mitchell Jan. 14, 1860-Feb. 25, 1930
W. Edward Gilmore Feb. 14, 1872-Nov. 8, 1889.
(as they appear on the gravestone together).

W. Edward Gilmore Feb. 14-1872-Nov. 8 1889,

William Hosley died April 21861 Ae 80.
Lovina his wife Feb. 14 1861 Ae 72.
Thou art gone loved ones
To the land of the blest
Where the wicked cease from troubling
And the weary are at rest.

Joseph H. Hosley died Jan. 25 1846 aged 30 years and 10 months.

Miriam A. Hosley died July 2 1847 in the 26th year of her age.

Stephen H. Hosley died Feb. 28 1849 Ae 31 yrs and 8 mos.
There is rest for thee in heaven.

Walter N. son of
Charles H. & Aurilia A. Raichard died Aug. 25 1889 Ae 15 yrs. 10 mos.
Gone home.

End of this disk #2.

* * * * * Beginning of 3 of Six * * * * * 

* * * * * * * *

Surnames* are:

Adams, Allen, Allyn Allison, Angier, Atwood, Babcock, Bailey, Baker, Baldwin, Bates, Beckley, Billings, Bisbee, Bisby, Blakeslee, Blanchard, Bowen, Boyd, Boynton, Brigham, Brown, Bryant, Buckley, Burlingame,.Burnap, Cabot, Cady, Carey, Carlton, Carner, Chamberlin, Chase, Clarke, Clark, Clement , Coistan, Comstock, Cone, Conner, Cook, Cree, Crocker, Dannatt, Davis, Dean, DeWain, Diggins, Divoll, Downer, Durant, Ephraim, Flint, Garfield, Gay, Gaylord, Gilmore, Gowing, Graves, Gravline, Grimes, Griswold, Grout, Farwell, Fay, Field, Fifield, Filley, Firman, Fish, Freeman, Franklin, Gould, Hall, Hammond, Harlow, Harrington, Harrison, Haskell, Hatch, Hathorn, Herrick, Heustis, Hitchcock, Hicks, Hosley, Howard, Howe, Hubbard, Hulett, Johnson, Kemp, Kimball, Morse, Kendall, Kenson, Kent, Knap, Lawrence, Lazelle, Leete, Leighton, Lewis, Litchfield, Lombard, Lovejoy, Martin, Marcy, Mason, Matthews, Maynard, McEwan, McGill, Messer, Mitchell, Morgan, Morse, Mudget, Murray, Nathaniel, Newell, Newhall, Norton, Noyes, Nutter, Nutting, Osborn, Parker, Parkhurst, Parmelee, Patnode, Percis, Perkins, Perry, Phelps, Pierce, Pond, Porter, Pratt, Preston, Price, Proctor, Prouty, Putnam, Quinn, Ray, Raichard, Redfield, Reed, Relict, Rice, Richards, Robbins, Robinson, Rollinson, Royce, Sanders, Sargent, Sevigne, Sewell, Sherman, Smith, Spencer, Sprague, Stevens, Stiles, Stone, Streeter, Strow, Stowell, Sturtevant, Swallow, Swan, Taylor, Tibbets, Tidd, Thrasher, Thomas, Tuel, Tuell, Tuttle, Upham, Van Ness, Warner, Warren, Waterman, Weston, Westford, Wetherbee, Willett, Williams, Wilson, Whitaker, White, Whitcomb, Whitmore, Wood, Wright.

* * * * * * * *

Grave Stones are:

Fanny A. Stevens 1812-1896.

William H. Boynton June 1 1818-Aug. 2 1895.
Harriet A. Newell wife of William H. Boynton Dec. 3 1820-Nov. 8 1909.

John Whitaker died Jan. 19 1893 Ae 65 yrs. 4 mos. 2 dys.
A member of Co. G 32 Wis. Vols.
Delia wife of John Whitaker died Nov. 3 1889 Ae 60 yrs. 7 mos.
J. Clark Whitaker died June 28 1893 Ae 58 yrs. 10 mos. 12 dys.

Levi Sanders died Dec. 12 1878 Ae 80 yrs. 3 mos. 28 dys.
Bessie L. wife of Levi Sanders died Aug. 7 1845 Ae 43 yrs. & 4 mos.
Dearest mother thou hast left us
And thy loss we deeply feel
But tis God that has bereft us
He can all our sorrows heal.

Wm. H. Harrison son of Levi & Betsey Sanders died Jan. 28 1859 Ae 19 yrs. & 10 mos.
Beauty with all its graces bloomed
Was swiftly hurried to the tomb,

Addison F. Kendall died Aug. 4 1879 Ae 65 yrs. 4 mos. 11 dys.
Emily wife of A.F Kendall died Dec. 10 1858 Ae 36.

Henry A. Hitchcock died Apr. 10 1864 Ae 19 yrs.
Harold son of G. & M. Hitchcock born June 28 1886 died Jan. 3 1894.
Gone home.

Lentha Griswold Relic of Amos Hulett born Nov. 3 1786 died Sept. 9 1863.
A.H. Hannah wife of Amos Hulett died Aug, 21 1821.
Thankful Williams died Apr. 20 1855 Ae 40 yrs.
Death like an overflowing stream
Sweeps us away our life's a dream
An empty tale; a morning flower
Cut down and wilted in an hour

Sacred to the memory of
Capt. Levi Kemp who departed this life July 2 1836 aged 88 years.
Beloved and respected in life lamented in death.

Sacred to the memory of
Mrs. Rebekah relict of Capt. Levi Kemp who died Dec. 23 1837 Ae 87 yrs
Erected in memory of Mr. William Kemp
son of Capt. Levi & Rebekah Kemp who died Nov. 26 1827 aged 53 years.

John Tidd died Nov. 11 1818 Ae 37 yrs. 3 mos. and 1 1 days.
He lives in the hearts of his kindred.

Nelley B. dau. of Samuel & Vashti Robbins died Sept. 6 1838 Ae 17 yrs.

Josiah Newell died Dec. 14 1824 Ae 54.
Prepare to meet thy God.

Polly wife of Joshua Morgan died Nov. 21 1849 Ae 75.
Former wife of Josiah Newhall.
Robert son of Josiah and Polly Newell died Oct. 7 1827 aged 19 years.
Jesus can make a dying bed
Feel soft as downy pillows are
While in his breast / laid my head
And breathed my life out sweetly there.

Polly relict of Charles Sanders died Aug. 19 1838 Ae 40.
Charles Sanders Jr. died June 14 1822 Ae 25 yrs. 2 mos.

Adin C. son of Luther and Maria Hammond died Aug. 29 1862 Ae 3 Yrs. 8 mos.
Mary M. dau. of Luther & Maria Hammond died Aug 28 1862 Ae 1 yr. 8 mos.
Luther Hammond June 17 1811-Feb. 2 1893.
Mary Maria Sanders his wife Dec. 12 1820-Feb. 18 1907.

Nancy daughter of Daniel & Margaret McGill died Jan. 28 1835 aged 2 yrs. & 3 mos.

Charles son of Benjamin & Jerusha Reed died Sept. 16 1822 aged 19 years and 5 days.

Mehetable dau. of Oliver and Mehetable Diggins died Feb. 13 1800 AE 43 year.

John Nutter died Sept. 25 1865 aged 70.
Lyman S. Nutter died March 26 1831 Ae 24.
Heber Nutter died Jan. 10 1824 aged 30 years.
And must this body faint and die
And must this soul remove
0 for some guardian angel nigh
To bear it safe above.

Margaret wife of Thomas Nutter died March 12 1855 Ae 85 years.
Thomas J. Nutter died Dec. 28 1820 in the 53 year of his age.
Within this sacred bed of rest
A tender father lies
But he shall stand among the just
When Christ shall bid him rise.

Jonathan W. Hall died Mar. 3 1849 Ae 34.
Lucy wife of Eligah Hall died Feb. 2 1858 Ae 86 yrs.
Eligah Hall died July 7 1820 Ae 50 yrs.

Helen E. daut. of L.M. & C.W. Rice died Mar. 18 1839 Ae 10 mos.
Infant son of L.M. & C.W. Rice died Dec. 9 1855.
Clara J. daut. of L.M. & C.W. Rice died Jan. 24 1858 Ae 5 yrs. 5 mos.
Clarinda W. Upham wife of Lysander M. Rice born April 15 1815 died Sept. 26 1889.
Lysander M. Rice born Nov. 11 1812 died Oct. 29 1903.

Esther wife of Isaac Parker died March 24 1839 Ae 75 yrs. 6 mos. 26 days.
Isaac Parker died June 23 1821 Ae 66 yrs, 3 mos. 30 days.
Ira died Sept. 23 1794 Ae 2 yrs. 4 mos.
Otis died Dec. 31 1795 Ae 10 mos. 28 days.
[Sons of Isaac & Esther Parker.]

Eivira E. Preston daughter of John Preston wife of Allen Murray died Dec. 15 1884
aged 62 yrs. 11 mos. 4 days.

Mary Ella daughter of Allen & Eivira E. Murray died Feb. 11 1854 aged 1 year 3 mos.
Rest Little Ella now in Heaven
Thy sufferings all are oer
Thou'rt gone to dwell with Christ above
And we must weep no more.
Allen Murray died Feb. 14 1901 aged 81 years 3 mos. 7 days.

Josiah Newell died Oct. 23 1880 aged 83 yrs. 11 mos. 15 dys.
Abigail Newell wife of Josiah Newell died March 9 1893 Ae 97 yrs. 4 mos.
Asleep in Jesus.

Wesley J. Cady 1855- Hattie M. Newell his wife 1860-1897

Gertrude Wood wife of W.J. Cady 1875-1904.

Reuben T. Leete died May 18 1892 Ae 71 yrs. 3 mos. 24 dys.
At rest.
Ernest R. died Oct. 23 1878 Ae 7 yrs. 1 1 mos. 12 dys.
Arthur T. died Nov. 4 1878 Ae 2 yrs. 11 mos. 10 dys.
[Children of R.T. & L.L. Leete.]

Pearle Parkhurst died July 22 1841 aged 79 years.
Deborah wife of Pearle Parkhurst died Feb. 27 1831 Ae 72 yrs & 4 mos.
David Parkhurst died March 29 1829 Ae 60 yrs. & 6 mos.
Lois wife of David Parkhurst died Nov. 17 1859 Ae 89 yrs. 4 mos.
Fanny dau. of David and Lois Parkhurst died June 21 1820 aged 24 years and 6 months.
This lasting marble shall declare
What worth and sense lie buried here
Where mouming friends will oft repair
To soothe their anguish with a tear.

Lavinia dau. of David & Lois Parkhurst died Aug. 2 1817 aged 18 yrs. 1 mo. 6 days.
True joy and real life are fixed above
The only objects worthy of our love
Lament not then that loved Lavina's gone
Her time of trial's past her work is done.

Tamesin daughter of James & Tamesin Hitchcock died March 11 1825 aged 1 year.
George H. son of Samuel & Cornelia S. Warren Jr. died Sept. 29 1835 aged 5 years.
Farewell dear George your course is run
No more you suffer grieve or die
All things below with you are done
Your soul has gone to God on high.

Cornelia S. wife of Samuel Warren Jr. and
daughter of Linus and Sarah Clarke Esqr. died April 24 1835 aged 33 years.
Weep not that she is gone
Where pain shall never pierce her bosom more
Where sorrow never shall come again
And every ill of life is oer.

Lucy E. daughter of
Samuel & Cornelia Warren Jr. died Sept. 14 1833 Ae 1 1 mos. 24 dys.
Sweet Lucy is gone and never more to return
And left her friends in silent grief to mour
And she was numbered with the dead.

Betsey relict of Capt. Lot Norton and
Dau. of Samuel & Elizabeth Warren died Feb. 15 1818 in the 27th year of her age.

Lucy Dau. of
Capt. Samuel & Elizabeth Warren died June 10 1817 aged 22 yrs. & 8 mos.
Then from the bosom of her God
Oceans of endless pleasures roll
There she has fixed her last abode
And drowns the sorrows of her soul.

Oliver Diggins died Jan. 25 1819 in the 83 year of his age.
Mehetable wife of Oliver Diggins died Feb. 19 1811 aged 72 years.

Miranda B. dau. of Adam & Sarah Pond died July 3 1814 aged 7 yrs. 2 mos. 15 dys.
Suffer little children to come unto me
for such is the kingdom of heaven.

Mary dau. of Adam & Sarah Pond died Aug. 18 1813 aged 4 yrs. 5 mos. 5 days.

Sleep on sweet babe.
Katurah dau. of Adam & Sarah Pond died Feb. 25 1814 aged 16 years, 5 months, 4 days.
Her life was like a morning flower
Cut down and wilted in an hour.

In memory of Freelove F. wife of Mr. Marcus Jones died May 17 1817 Ae 23 years.
Farewell vain world a long farewell
To all your boasted joys and charms
My raptureous bliss 0 who can tell
When Christ enfolds me in his arms.
Then weep no more my mourning friends
With faith to Jesus trust your care
To him your life happiness depends
May you in life in death prepare.

Mrs. Sarah wife of Mr. Adam Pond died Nov. 12 1830 Ae 58 years.
Adam Pond died Nov. 7 1845 Ae 80.

Benjamin Tuel died May 22 1828 Ae 53.
Abigail wife of Benjamin Tuel died July 18 1863 Ae 83.
Hannah consort of Benjamin Tuel died July 16 1828 aged 76 years.
Benjamin Tuel died July 8 1819 Ae 73.

Caleb Pierce died April 217 1833 aged 72 years.
Lucy Pierce died Aug. 27 1858 Ae 63 years.

Martha wife of Clark Preston died Mar. 31 1868 Ae 85 yrs. 2 mos.
God is love.
The memory of the just is blessed.

Clark Preston died Apr. 27 1863 Ae 81 yrs. 5 mos.
I put my trust in my savior
For if ye forgive men their trespasses
Your heavenly Father will also forgive you.

Samuel Allison Oct. 7 1812-Sept. 5 1879.
Mary A. Preston his wife Dec. 7 1815-Dec. 5 1901.
In memory of our children
Charles Allison Feb. 24 1838-Apr. 16 1863.
Martha A. Wright Feb. 27 1840-Feb. 1 1892.
Ellen M. Allison Jan. 16 1847-March 27 1847.

Albert Preston died March 15 1903 Ae 80 yrs. 10 mos.
Ellen L. Swallow his wife died May 12 1908 Ae 86 yrs. 3 mos.
Martha J. Preston died Oct. 8 1898 Ae 51 yrs. 7 mos.

Alice H. dau. of C.E. & Martha J. Baker
and granddaughter of A. & E.L. Preston died April 9 1883 Ae 14 yrs. 6 mos.

Levi H. Field died Feb. 15 1854 Ae 58 yrs. 7 mos.
Bethiah Field died Mar. 10 1854 Ae 46 yrs. 9 mos.
Mary A. daughter of Levi & Bethiah Field died Sept. 1 1860 Ae 15 years.
I am going home.

Levi W. FieldUnion soldier died Sept. 25 1887 Ae 46 yrs.

Benajah Dean died June 14 1864 Ae 89 yrs. 7 mos.
Lydia R. wife of Benajah Dean died Aug. 9 1849 aged 72.

Franklin son of Benajah & Lydia Dean died Feb. 25 1817 aged 7 years 10 months 16 days.
A sudden death did prove my lot
Lord here where all things are forgot
I'm gone to meet a God above
To dwell forever in his love.
Lydia dau. of Benajah & Lydia Dean died Aug. 10 1814 aged 15 months & 26 days.

James Franklin
son of Benajah & Lydia Dean died Aug. 15 1819 aged 10 mos & 22 days.

Zadock Parkhurst died July 11 1852 Ae 81

end of this disk III.

* * * * * Beginning of 4 of Six * * * * * 

Grave Stones Are:

Lois wife of Zadock Parkhurst died April 21 1816 in the 42 year of her age.
Lois Ann died Sept. 1 1839 Ae 5 yrs. 1 mo. 3 dys.
Sylvester G. died Sept. 3 1839 Ae 1 yr. 6 mos. 23 days.
[Children of Gregory & Lutheram Parkhurst.]

Aaron Hall died March 27 1855 Ae 62.
Rachel Richards wife of Aaron Hall died April 26 1853 Ae 56.
Millicent Brigham died Dec. 12 1813 aged 42 years.
Mr. Aaron Hall born at Grafton Mass. died April 3 1831 Ae 67.
Mrs. Sarah wife of Aaron Hall born at Grafton Mass. died Nov. 27 1835 Ae 68

John Sevigne died June 7 1891 Ae 51 yrs.

Wm. Quinn died Mar. 14 1854 Ae 66.
Fanny wife of Wm. Quinn died July 18 1856 Ae 66 yrs.

Levi Field died October 28 1813 in the 57th year of his age.
Blessed are they who receive a new name which
no one knoweth except they who receive it.

Mrs. Rhoda relect of Levi Field died Jan. 27 1826 Ae 55 years.
Return my friends and children dear
For I must lie here till Christ appear.

Sophia Dean wife of Luther Hammond Jr. died July 23 1831 Ae 34 yrs.
We shall be raised.
Also two infant children.

Bushrod son of
Lemuel and Anna Dean died Sept. 15 1822 aged 1 year 6 months & 21 days.
Joseph A. son of Christopher & Mary Dean died Mar. 6 1815 Ae 4 mos. 21 days.
Sleep on sweet babe and take thy rest
In Christ thy Savior thou art blest.

Mary S. dau. of Lemuel & Anna Dean died July 4th 1814 aged 3 years 8 mos. & 17 days.

Dea. Gershom Clark died Feb. 3 1815 aged 61 years.
Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.
Levina Clark widow of
Dea. Gershom Clark died May 14 1840 aged 86 years & 11 mo's.

Gideon Kidder died April 24 1853 Ae 73.
Fanny Maria Kidder
dau. of Gideon & Fanny Kidder died May 24 1815 aged 11 yrs.6 mos. 6 dys.
Charles Jenison son of
Gideon & Fanny Kidder died July 17 1810 aged 2 yrs. & 26 days.

Frances Gould died Dec. 13 1 815 aged 21 years 7 mos. & 11 days.
Elizabeth daughter of William & Lucy Gould died Oct. 28 1834 Ae 4 yrs.
And Jesus took little children in his arms and blessed them.

Dr. William Price died Nov. 14 1847 Ae 70.
Hannah wife of Dr. William Price died June 6 1846 Ae 58.
Hannah daughter of Dr. Wm. & Hannah Price died March 15 1826 Ae 5 yrs.

Wilbur F. Newell Sept. 10 1826-March 6 1913.
Fanny Norton his wife June 14 1828-Sept. 26 1893.

Rachel wife of William Dean died April 11 1809 aged 66 yrs & 2 days.
And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, write,
blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth;
yea, saith the spirit that they may rest from their labours
and their works do follow them.
[Made by Henry Locke.]

Jerusha wife of Christopher Dean died Feb. 21 1813 aged 34 years 2 months & 27 days.
For the time is come that
judgment must begin at the house of God
and if it first begin at us
what shall the end be of them
that obey not the gospel of God?

Abigail wife of Cushman Dean died Aug. 5 1858 Ae 78 yrs.
Cushman Dean died Aug. 24 1814 Ae 35 yrs. 3 mos.

Gregory Stone Esq. died April 22 1810 aged 34 years.
Joanna Parkhurst died April 18 1833 aged 97 years.

Timothy Parkhurst died Nov. 20 1815 aged 86 yrs. & 10 months.
Col. 3 Chap. 4 verse

When Christ who is our Life shall appear
then shall ye also appear with him in glory.

Phebe Kidder daughter of
Lt. Oliver & Eunice Kidder who died Aug. 5 1817 aged 40 years & 6 months.

In memory of
Oliver Kidder who died Nov. 29 1812 aged 68 years and 11 months.

In memory of Mrs. Eunice Kidder wife of
Lieut. Oliver Kidder who died Feb. 25 1808 aged63 years 4 months & 10 days.

Paul Cook Esq. died Jan. 3d 1817 aged 54 years.
Rosannah wife of Paul Cook died Dec. 11 1854 Ae 89.

Warren E. Hatch May 12 1796-May 6 1875.
Phila Spencer his wife July 30 1804-Sept. 18 1880.
Ebenezer Hatch died Sept. 11 1825 Ae 61 years.
Elizabeth wife of Ebenezer Hatch died Oct. 31 1851 Ae 78 yrs.

Ruth wife of Deacon John Burnap died Sept. 3 1813 aged 83 years.
Within this sacred bed of rest
A tender mother lies
But she shall live among the just
When Christ shall bid her rise.

Carrie E. dau. of J.P. & H.S. Brown died Nov. 6 1860 Ae 15 yrs. 3 mos.
Harriet S. wife of John P. Brown born Oct. 30 1816 died Apr. 21 1881.
J. P. Brown died at San Francisco Cal. March 12 1850 Ae 33

"Authors Note: Judging from the date looks like the Gold bug got him."

Elizabeth S. wife of Cutler Downer died Nov. 10 1846 aged 26 years.
Polly wife of Galan Downer died Apr. 22 1872 Ae 92 yrs. 7 mos.
Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.

Galan Downer died Aug. 9 1837 Ae 71.
Sarah wife of Galan Downer died May 13 1827 Ae 65.

John son of
Galan & Sarah Downer died Jan. 18 1811 aged 14 years 8 months & 17 days.
Samuel Downer died Feb. 13 1838 aged 47.
Sarah his wife died April 25 1859 Ae 66.
Ellen daut. of Samuel & Sarah Downer died Aug. 26 1841 aged 5 yrs.
Harriet M. wife of Roswell Downer died Nov. 1 1862 Ae 38 yrs 6 dys.
A beloved wife and affectionate mother.
The silver cord is loosed but not broken Harriet.

John White died May 9 1829 Ae 89.
Thou knowest the anxious cares we feel
And all our trembling lips would tell
Thou only canst assuage our grief
And yield our love frought heart relief.

Levi Hicks died Jan. 28 1834 aged 79 years and 5 months.
Ambrose Hicks died Nov. 28 1886 aged 86 years 8 months.
Father Belinda Blanchard wife of
Ambrose Hicks died Oct. 20 1883 aged 80 years 1 mo.

"Authors Note: Cone Blanchard is the name of a tooling mill company in the area.

This would be a very good clue to locate family with, by last surname"

Mother Albert Tidd died Nov. 30 1843 Ae 30.

George L. son of C.F. & E.W. Tibbets died Aug. 11 1846 Ae 6 yrs.

Agnes Filley died Nov. 8 1876 Ae 90 years.
Nathan Filley died April 9 1846 aged 58 years.
Agnes Filley died Feb. 8 1829 aged 68 years and 4 months.
Einathan Filley died July 4 1822 aged 69.

Lois Mason daughter of
H.H. & H.W. Sprague died Oct. 16 1867 aged 25 years 1 0 mos. & 16 dys.
I have a duty to perform and must do it

Lois Henry H. Sprague died Mar. 27 1880 Ae 77.
Harriett W. wife of H.H. Sprague died Mar. 6 1865 Ae 61.
Henry H. Sprague died Nov. 16 1859 Ae 27.
Geo. M. Sprague died Jan. 24 1835 Ae 5 yrs.
Charles H. Sprague died Jan. 24 1836 Ae I year 7 mos.
Fred W. SpragueMemb. of Co. A 6th Vt. Vols.
Killed at the battle of Cold Harbor Va. June 5 1864 Ae 24.

Nancy Ann wife of
Moses Kidder died April 3 A.D. 1822 aged 35 years 7 months and 26 days.
Weep not for her whose sudden fate
Returned this mortal part to dust
Death had no pangs the heavenly gate
Self opened joined her with the just.

Moses Kidder died Oct. 20 1857 Ae 71.

Julia wife of Charles W. Lawrence died Jan. 20 1905 Ae 46 yrs. 2 mos. 5 days.
Sleep in peace.

John Buckley born in Hartshead Lancaster Co. England July 12 1793 died in Weathersfield, Vt. Feb. 9 1857.
In distant Clime the wandering pilgrim felt Far from his native vale he loved so well.

By foreign hands thy ashes stand inumed By strangers honored and by strangers mourned.

son of Charles & Sarah Sanders died July 20 1822 aged 20 years 7 mos. & 20 days.

Prepare for death and follow me.
Sarah wife of Charles Sanders died Aug. 20 1840 aged 68 years.
Charles Sanders died Oct. 14 1853 aged 79.

Charles C. son of James & Eliza Cree died March 27 1849 Ae 19 yrs. 3 mos.
It was early in the spring
When choicest flowers begin to bloom
That Charles' race was fully run
And he has found an early tomb.
Yet let not tears of grief be shed
Though he was worthy of our love
For while his dust sleeps with the dead
His spirit hath its home above.

Ira H. son of Hosea and Harriet Sanders died April 7 1850 Ae 3 yrs. 9 mos.
Infant son died April 20 1840.
Ira died Feb. 6 1842 aged 3 mos.
[Children of Hosea and Harriet Sanders.]

John A. son of Hosea & Harriet Sanders died Oct. 15 1850 aged 7 yrs. 4 mos.
Hosea Sanders died Aug. 3 1856 Ae 47 years.

Mary wife of Henry Gravline died Jan. 23 1874 Ae 54 yrs. 5 mos. 23 days.
Henry Gravline died March 14 1879 Ae 50.
He rests at peace.
[Between 2nd & 3rd roads, 12 rows]

Henry H. Reed born June 16 1837 died Feb. 28 1910.
And if I go and prepare a place for you
I will come again and receive you unto myself.

Martha E. wife of Henry H. Reed died Feb. 16 1883 Ae 36 yrs. 24 days.
In my father's house are many mansions
if it were not so I would have told you
I go to prepare a place for you.

Mary A. Johnson wife of Webster Reed died Jan. 23 1875 Ae 31 years & 2 months.
Nettie H. daut. of W. & M.A. Reed died Dec. 2 1874 Ae 5 months and 20 days.
Elsie daut. of W. & M.A. Reed died July 27 1869 Ae 9 months and 6 days.

End of disk # IV.

* * * * * Beginning of 5 of Six * * * * * 

* * * * * * *

Surnames* are:

Adams, Allen, Allyn Allison, Angier, Atwood, Babcock, Bailey, Baker, Baldwin, Bates, Beckley, Billings, Bisbee, Bisby, Blakeslee, Blanchard, Bowen, Boyd, Boynton, Brigham, Brown, Bryant, Buckley, Burlingame,.Burnap, Cabot, Cady, Carey, Carlton, Carner, Chamberlin, Chase, Clarke, Clark, Clement , Coistan, Comstock, Cone, Conner, Cook, Cree, Crocker, Dannatt, Davis, Dean, DeWain, Diggins, Divoll, Downer, Durant, Ephraim, Flint, Garfield, Gay, Gaylord, Gilmore, Gowing, Graves, Gravline, Grimes, Griswold, Grout, Farwell, Fay, Field, Fifield, Filley, Firman, Fish, Freeman, Franklin, Gould, Hall, Hammond, Harlow, Harrington, Harrison, Haskell, Hatch, Hathorn, Herrick, Heustis, Hitchcock, Hicks, Hosley, Howard, Howe, Hubbard, Hulett, Johnson, Kemp, Kimball, Morse, Kendall, Kenson, Kent, Knap, Lawrence, Lazelle, Leete, Leighton, Lewis, Litchfield, Lombard, Lovejoy, Martin, Marcy, Mason, Matthews, Maynard, McEwan, McGill, Messer, Mitchell, Morgan, Morse, Mudget, Murray, Nathaniel, Newell, Newhall, Norton, Noyes, Nutter, Nutting,Osborn, Parker, Parkhurst, Parmelee, Patnode, Percis, Perkins, Perry, Phelps, Pierce, Pond, Porter, Pratt, Preston, Price, Proctor, Prouty, Putnam, Quinn, Ray, Raichard, Redfield, Reed, Relict, Rice, Richards, Robbins, Robinson, Rollinson, Royce, Sanders, Sargent, Sevigne, Sewell, Sherman, Smith, Spencer, Sprague, Stevens, Stiles, Stone, Streeter, Strow, Stowell, Sturtevant, Swallow, Swan, Taylor, Tibbets, Tidd, Thrasher, Thomas, Tuel, Tuell, Tuttle, Upham, Van Ness, Warner, Warren, Waterman, Weston, Westford, Wetherbee, Willett, Williams, Wilson, Whitaker, White, Whitcomb, Whitmore, Wood, Wright.

Grave Stones are:

Molly consort of Josiah Beckley died Nov. 29 1838 Ae 70 yrs. 11 mos.
Asal son of Josiah and Molly Beckley died Aug. 15 1814 in the 17th year Of his age.
Infant son of Josiah and Molly Beckley died July 4 1812 Ae 3 mos. & 27 days.
Infant daughter of Josiah & Molly Beckley died March 1 1811 Ae 3 months and 25 days.

Lois wife of Zebel Thomas died Feb. 16 1813 Ae 53 years.

Franklin Norton died Feb. 8 1875 Ae 75 yrs. 10 mos & 7 days.
Mary Kimball wife of Franklin Norton died Feb. 9 1822 Ae 20 years.
Dolly Richards wife of Franklin Norton died May 7 1861 Ae 58 years.

Capt. Lott Norton died Feb. 9 1813 Ae 43 years.

Betsey wife of Capt. Lott Norton died March 21 1812 Ae 40 years.

Thomas son of F. & D. Norton died Dec. 25 1836 Ae 3 years.

Esther C. Norton died Feb. 24 1889 Ae 50 years.

Lydia wife of Malcolm McEwan died March 31 1848 in the 81st year of her age.
In memory of Malcolm McEwan who died Jan. 13 1830 in the 68th year of his age.

Polly wife of John Chase died May 29 1798 Ae 32.

Dea. John Chase died in Quechee Vt. April 21 1842 Ae 81.
Elizabeth wife of Dea. John Chase died Oct. 1 1861 Ae 33.

Larkin P. son of
Dea. John & Elizabeth Chase died Nov. 21 1819 aged 13 mos. & 26 days.

Abel Nutting died September,24 1848 aged 87.

Polly wife of Abel Nutting died November 16 1848 aged 85.

In memory of Mr. George Nutting companion of
Abigail Nutting and son of Abel & Polly Nutting

who died Oct. 29 1818 aged 24 years and 3 months.
Oer the cold sod where thy pale relics sleep
Shall fond remembrance oft repair to weep.

Cyrus son of Abel and Polly Nutting died May 21 1816 aged 16 years 3 months.

Mr. Jessie Matthews died March 23 1800 in the 73rd year of his age.
Friends when you read the fate of me
Think on the glass that runs for thee.

Amos Matthews died Nov. 16 1843 Ae 73.
An honest man

Silas Reed died July 16 1868 Ae 79.
Polly wife of Silas Reed died May 13 1843 aged 54 years and 4 mos.
Behold the sad impending stroke
That now arrests our eyes
The silken band of Union's broke
A wife and mother died.

Infant son of Silas & Polly Reed died July 5 1819 aged 1 day.
Franklin son of Silas & Polly Reed died March 21 1825 aged 2 years I month 7 days.

daughter of Silas & Polly Reed died Aug. 30 1827 aged 2 years 10 months & 14 days.

Sarah A. dau. of Abel & Mary Nutting died Aug.30 1832 aged 8 years.
My parents dear as you pass by
Your daughters grave you see
Not long ago I was with you
But soon you will be with me.

Mary wife of Abel Nutting Jr. died May 27 1827 Ae 36 years.
A loving wife a mother dear
A sister kind a friend sincere
Companion dear though I am gone &
Left you here on earth to moum
Yet trust in God and he will be
A kind companion unto thee.

Lydia F. Bowen wife of Abel Nutting died Nov. 29 1881 Ae 74 years 12 days.
Abel Nutting Aug. 19 1875 Ae 84.

Perlina Cady died Nov. 14 1814 Ae 14 years.

Ruth wife of Noah Cady died May 20 1837 Ae 75 years.
Noah Cady died Feb. 1 1846 Ae 85 years.

Nathan Reed died July 14 1835 Ae 36.

Stephen Reed died Jan. 31 1847 Ae 93 years.
Mary wife of Stephen Reed died July 13 1834 Ae 75.

E.N. Wilbur F.
son of Mr. Migh.ill & Mrs. Eliza Nutting died March 11 1833 Ae 7 yrs. & 3 mos.

Sarah daughter of Betsey & Asa Upham Esq,, died Dec. 11, 1838 aged 21 years.

Betsey wife of Asa Upham died March 2 1862 Ae 81 yrs. 5 mos.
This is the Lord's doing
It is marvelous in our eyes.

Achsah wife of Asa Upham Jr. died Nov. 12 1910 aged 27 years 5 months and 7 days.

Asa Upham died July 24 1858 Ae 86 yrs. 8 mos.
Let not your heart be troubled ye believe in God believe also in me.

Asa Upham died Sept. 13 1828 Ae 92 years.

Lydia Upham died Dec. 1 1822 Ae 77 years.

Cynthia E. daughter of Zenas & Sarah Clarke died March 27 1887 Ae 76 years.

Ralph G. son of Zenas & Sarah Clarke died Jan. 9 1806 Ae 2 years 4 mos.
Zenas Clarke died Aug. 24 1818 in the 44th year of his age.

Twin children of Curtis & Susanna Cady a boy & girl died Mar. 3 1814 aged 24 hours.
Sleep on sweet babes and take thy rest
God took thee home he thought it best.

Susanna wife of Curtis Cady died March 26 1853 Ae 67
Within this sacred bed of rest
A tender mother lies
But she shall live among the just
When Christ shall bid her rise.

Curtis Cady died Feb. 10 1965 Ae 73.

Laura A. wife of
Lorenzo Rice & daughter of Chester & Eunice Beckley died Aug. 17 1848 Ae 31 yrs.

son of Chester & Eunice Beckley died Oct. 10 1820 aged 1 year 10 months 20 days.

Lot N. son of Chester & Eunice Beckley died Jan. 31 1813 Ae 5 months.

son of Chester & Eunice Beckley died July 31 1816 aged 1 year 8 months & 25 days.

Eunice K. Field wife of Chester Beckley died Sept. 17 1879 Ae 87 years.

Chester Beckley died Dec. 12 1828 Ae 40 years.

George R. Sherman Oct. 18 1836-May 6 1901.
Anna L. Swallow his wife Dec. 9 1842.

Leonard H. Bailey 1838-1910. Member of Co. C 16th Vt. Vols.
Mary M. his wife died Feb. 18 1897 Ae 57 yrs. 5 mos. 15 dys.
Ada M.J. died Dec. 20 1862 Ae 3 yrs. 5 mos.
Adelia M. died Oct. 31 1880 Ae 15 yrs. 8 mos.
Minnie J. died Dec. 15 1883 Ae 17 yrs. 1 mo. 6 dys.
[Children of Leonard H. & Mary M. Bailey.]

Caroline consort of Rev. Guy Beckley died May 20 1839 Ae 31 yrs. 5 mos. & 18 dys.
Josiah G. son of Rev. Guy & Caroline Beckley died Jan. 9 1834 Ae 2 yrs. 14 mos.
Nipt by the winds untimely blast
Parched by the sun's directer ray
The momentary glories waste away
The short lived beauties die.

Orlandon son of Cleveland & Sarah Redfield died Dec. 22 1839 Ae 2 yrs. 2 mos.

George Pratt Sept. 3 1855-
Ester Mawson his wife Feb. 19 1858. Sept. 26 1911.

Ruth wife of Thomas Kidder died Feb. 2 1837 Ae 70 yrs.
Mr. Thomas Kidder died Feb. 6. 1828 Ae 77.

Almira R. Marcy died Feb. 2 1889 Ae 72 yrs. I mo. 1 1 days.
Leonard Marcy died June 10 1848 Ae 28
How sweet the memory of those we love.
Ruth Marcy died March 17 1846 Ae 61.
Few are our days those few we dream away
Sure is our fate to moulder in the clay.

Capt. Oliver Marcy died Feb. -1 1841 aged 32 years 6 mos. & 7 dys.
Friends and physicians could not save
My mortal body from the grave
Nor can the grave confine me here
When Christ my Savior shall appear.

Betsey W.
daughter of Samuel & Ruth Marcy died Feb. 12 1833 aged 4 years and 1 month.
Eliza Ann Upham died April 3 1862 Ae 29
Home at last home at last
From these trying scenes below
All my pain and sorrow past
I am resting sweetly now.

Eliza wife of George Upham died Nov. 9 1874 Ae 71 yrs. 1 mo. & 24 dys.
Rest darling mother rest
From life's chilling woes
Earth's sorrows cannot molest
Thy calm repose,

George Upham born Nov. 12 1802 died July 12 1887.
We hope that it is well with thee.

Edward Fifield Junr. died Sept. 26 1821 aged 30 years and 5 months.

Lucinda wife of Cyrus Beckley died Nov. 30 1830 Ae 33.
Lucrecia Davis wife of Cyrus Beckley died Mar. 11 1872 Ae 69.

Two sons of
Mr. William and Mrs. Mary Mudget.

[Reuben S. died Oct. 25 1813 Ae 1 day.William died Aug. 10 1813 Ae 2 yrs. and 7 mos.]

Mary L. wife of William Mudget died Oct. 27 1855 Ae 78 years.
Mr. William Mudget died April 2 1830 Ae 63.

Chace Mudget died Oct. 15 1836 aged 22.

Rev. Richard Newhall born Aug. 18 1800 died Dec. 10 1872.
For 45 years a faithful minister of the M.E. Church.

Betsey E. Newhall born Sept. 22 1807 died Feb. 23 1895.

Absalom Newell died Oct. 5 1868 Ae 52 yrs. 4 mos. 21 days.
His dying words to his wife:
I am going to heaven you must live
so that you will meet me there.
Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.
Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.

Mary J. dau. of Absalom and Anna E. Newell died Nov. 17 1888 Ae 24 yrs. 6 mos.
Maty fondly we loved her than language can tell
Stem death has removed her But yet all is well.

Mary M. wife of Absalom Newell died July 4 1862 Ae 43 yrs. 1 mo. 6 dys.

Cyrus Beckley died Feb. 28 1866 aged 70.

Jerusha Newell wife of Sylvester Perkins died Apr. 27 1885 Ae 74 yrs. 9 mos. 14 days.
Our mother is at rest.

Henry A. Perkins Feb. 14 1852-Mar. 29 1910.

Russell Perkins died Jan. 31 1813 aged 53 years.
As I am now so you will be
Prepare for death and follow me.

Sarah wife of Russell Perkins died July 11 1842 aged 93 years.
Mrs. Margery wife of Mr. Zaavan Perkins died Nov. 28 1838 Ae 57.

End of # 5.

* * * * * Beginning of 6 of Six * * * * * 

* * * * * * *

Surnames* are:

Adams, Allen, Allyn Allison, Angier, Atwood, Babcock, Bailey, Baker, Baldwin, Bates, Beckley, Billings, Bisbee, Bisby, Blakeslee, Blanchard, Bowen, Boyd, Boynton, Brigham, Brown, Bryant, Buckley, Burlingame,.Burnap, Cabot, Cady, Carey, Carlton, Carner, Chamberlin, Chase, Clarke, Clark, Clement , Coistan, Comstock, Cone, Conner, Cook, Cree, Crocker, Dannatt, Davis, Dean, DeWain, Diggins, Divoll, Downer, Durant, Ephraim, Flint, Garfield, Gay, Gaylord, Gilmore, Gowing, Graves, Gravline, Grimes, Griswold, Grout, Farwell, Fay, Field, Fifield, Filley, Firman, Fish, Freeman, Francis, Franklin, Gould, Hall, Hammond, Harlow, Harrington, Harrison, Haskell, Hatch, Hathorn, Herrick, Heustis, Hitchcock, Hicks, Hosley, Howard, Howe, Hubbard, Hulett, Johnson, Kemp, Kimball, Morse, Kendall, Kenson, Kent, Knap, Lawrence, Lazelle, Leete, Leighton, Lewis, Litchfield, Lombard, Lovejoy, Martin, Marcy, Mason, Matthews, Maynard, McEwan, McGill, Messer, Mitchell, Morgan, Morse, Mudget, Murray, Nathaniel, Newell, Newhall, Norton, Noyes, Nutter, Nutting,Osborn, Parker, Parkhurst, Parmelee, Patnode, Percis, Perkins, Perry, Phelps, Pierce, Pond, Porter, Pratt, Preston, Price, Proctor, Prouty, Putnam, Quinn, Ray, Raichard, Redfield, Reed, Relict, Rice, Richards, Robbins, Robinson, Rollinson, Royce, Sanders, Sargent, Sevigne, Sewell, Sherman, Smith, Spencer, Sprague, Stevens, Stiles, Stone, Streeter, Strow, Stowell, Sturtevant, Swallow, Swan, Taylor, Tibbets, Tidd, Thrasher, Thomas, Tuel, Tuell, Tuttle, Upham, Van Ness, Warner, Warren, Waterman, Weston, Westford, Wetherbee, Willett, Williams, Wilson, Whitaker, White, Whitcomb, Whitmore, Wood, Wright.

Grave Stones are:

Jane M. dau. of
Stephen and Thankful Lewis died Oct. 2 1824 Ae 1 yr. 9 mos. and 20 dys.

Mary A. wife of E.W. Wetherbee died Aug. 8 1872 Ae 27 yrs. 4 mos.
Dau. of Bradford and Mary Grimes.
We shall meet again dear Mame.

Bradford Grimes died Feb. 13 1893 Ae 77 yrs. 9 mos.
Mary E. wife of
Bradford Grimes died at Hancock Mich. Dec. 22 1866 Ae 40 yrs. 3 mos. 22 days.
Frank Norton Grimes only son of
Bradford & Mary E. Grimes died at Fortress Monroe Va. April 28 1862

of wounds received at Lee's Mills April 16 Ae 19 yrs. 6 mos. & 20 days.
Member of Co. C. 4th Vt. Vol.

Samuel S. Robinson Jan. 25 1824-June 13 1904.
His wife Eliza dau. of Franklin Norton May 4 1826-Feb. 10 1889.
[Children of S.S. & Eliza Robinson.]
Lott died in Hancock Mich. Jan 11 1862 Ae 3 yrs. 4 mos.
Jessie died in Hancock Mich. July 25 1866 Ae 4 mos.
Rest little ones.

Joshua Spencer died Dec. 15 1880 Ae 68 yrs.
Father. Gone home.

Sophia wife of Joshua Spencer died June 14 1864 Ae 51 yrs. 11 mos.,
dau. of A. & S. Putnam.

Sophia M. infant dau. of Joshua & Sophia Spencer died Feb. 8 1837.

Hiram H. Graves died Jan. 8 1894 aged 32 years.
Mary A. wife of Hiram H. Graves died Jan. 6 1867 Ae 50 yrs.
Emma A. dau. of Hiram H. & Mary A. Graves Oct. 23 1849 Ae 5 yrs. 6 mos.
Oh Emma dear they name shall dwell
In hearts that best have love to tell
Thy loss we moum and deeply feel
The wound which God alone can heal.

Thaddeus R. Angier born Feb. 28 1837 died June 23 1881.
Co. G. 9 N.H. Vols.
Infant dau. born Jan. 18 1880 died Jan. 18 1880.
Mabel G. born Oct. 10 1881 died Oct. 28 1881.
Joel H. born June 7 1859 died July 13 1859.
Infant dau. born Nov. 1 1860 died Nov. 1 1860.

Abbie R. born July 7 1862 died May 15 1879 dau. of T.R. & E.E. Angier.
She is not dead but sleepeth.

The Family of Artemas Billings.
Nellie 1862-1877.
Mary D. Billings wife of W.H. Gilmore died May 29 1857 Ae 44.
Artemas Billings b. at Northboro Mass. 1799
died in Cornish N.H. Dec. 5 1822 Ae 43 yrs.
Sally wife of Artemas Billings died Sept. 20 1833 Ae 73.
The grave of a kind mother dead though not forgotten.

Albert Billings died Sept. 29 1861 Ae 51 born Mar. 9 1810.
Susan E. Billings died Feb. 28 1875 Ae 63.
None knew her but to love her
None named her but to praise.

Emily A. Kidder dau. of Reuben & Abigail Kidder died Oct. 18 1834 Ae 25 yrs.
Camelia dau. of Reuben & Abigail Kidder died Oct. 30 1808.
Sarah T. dau. of Reuben & Abigail Kidder died July 14 1823 aged 18 years.
My flesh shall slumber in the ground
Till the last trumpets joyful sound
Then burst the chains with sweet surprise
And in my Savior's image rise.

Reuben Kidder died Oct. 9 1831 aged 52 years.

Cyrus L. son of John C. & Mary F. Beckley born April 28 1877 died Aug. 19 1877.

Clarissa Babcock died June 19 1844 aged 49 years.

Sophia Burlingame died June 11 1866 aged 71.

Rosannah wife of John Burlingame died Sept. 20 1826 Ae 55.
John Burlingame died Feb. 18 1813 in his 48th year.
So soon our transient comforts fly
And pleasure only bloom to die.

Kate Norton wife of Geo. R. Carlton died in Wayland Mass June 22 1881 Ae 39.
Albert R. died in Waterbury Conn. July 17 1872 Ae 1 mo. 3 dys.
Charley R. died in Wayland Mass March 23 1883 Ae 1 yr. 9 mos.
[Children of G.R. & K.N. Carlton]

Wyman M. Cady died April 7 1841 Ae 52.

Fredina Cady died Sept. 20 1832 Ae 66.

Samuel Davis died Oct. 6 1865 Ae 83.
Abbie dau. of S.& D. Davis died May 13 1860 Ae 13.

John G. Angier died Feb. 26 1861 Ae 20

Franklin A. Angier died June 14 1861 Ae 18.
God will care for mother now,

George A. Kenson Sept. 6 1826.
Mary H. Sherman his wife Jan. 13 1830-
Nellie Francis only child May 19 1858-Aug. 5 1863.

Joseph Shubael son of Joseph & Susan H. Whitcomb died Sept. 21 1859 Ae 7 1/2 yrs.
Joseph Shubael son of
Joseph & Susan Haskell Whitcomb March 11 1852-Sept. 21 1859.
[The family burial lot is in Springfield, Mass.]

Elsina Allen wife of Brevity Newell died March 21 1864 Ae 31 yrs. 3 mos. 21 days.
Why do we moum for dying friends
Or shake at death's alarms
Tis but the voice that Jesus sends
To call them to his arms,

Mary Davis died May 16 1865 Ae 1 yr. 4 mos. & 20 dys.
Marie B. Davis died May 20 1865 Ae 4 yrs. 3 mos.
[Children of J.H. & S.B. Davis.]
Side by side they are sweetly sleeping
Little loved ones early flown
Oh their absence makes most dreary
Our once cheerful happy home.

Jacob H. Davis 1825-1865.
Sally S. Chamberlain his wife 1827-1899.

Emma wife of Eugene C. Lawrence died Sept. 23 1908 Ae 34 yrs. 4 mos.
Mother we miss thee
God be with thee till we meet again.

Rachel Mari dau. of
Timothy L. & Hannah Kidder died Oct. 11 1822 aged 1 yr. & 9 months.

Micah R. son of
Timothy L. & Hannah Kidder died Feb. 16 1827 aged 1 1 months & 28 days.

Mary Whitmore died Oct. 18 1869 Ae 79 yrs.
At rest in heaven her home.

Harriet Whitmore died Nov. 29 1843 Ae 50.

Sarah wife of Ebenezer Whitmore died April 13 1822 Ae 74.

Ebenr. Whitmore died Apr. 19 1829 Ae 84.

Jaavan son of Burpee and Avis Prouty died Sept. 7 1809 aged 4 years & 27 days.

Stephen Marcy son of
Samuel & Lois Marcy died July 21 1806 aged 20 yrs. 9 mos. 8 dys.

Samuel Marcy died Feb. 5 1820 aged 80 years 3 months & 12 days.
Within this sacred bed of rest
A tender father lies
But he shall reign among the blest
When Christ shall bid him rise.

Willard son of Johnson & Lydia Streeter died April 22 1807 aged 11 months & 10 days.
Salley dau. of Johnson & Lydia Streeter died June 24 1806 aged 11 years.
Willard son of Johnson and Lydia Streeter died June 28 1805 aged 14 years & 7 months.

Boliva R. son of John & Jerusha Allison died Aug. 12 1830 Ae 5 years.
Jerusha wife of John Allison died July 22 A.D. 1829 Ae 34 years.
Anna wife of John Allison died Feb. 20 1845 aged 45 years.
Jenneit Allison died June 20 1825 aged 37 years.
Ann wife of James Allison died Oct. 26 1834 aged 69 years.
James Allison died Feb. 23 1805 aged 38 years.
John Allison died July 29 1863 aged 73 yrs. 5 mos. & 3 dys.

Thomas Willett born May 10 1833 died Oct. 9 1909.
Marie L. Sprague wife of Thomas Willett born Apr. 9 1814 died Mar. 23 1896.

Charles H. Boyd died Feb. 22 1894 aged 55 yrs. 11 mos 19 dys.

Susie dau. of E.T. & A.E. Cady died Apr. 3 1865 Ae 3 yrs.
Addie wife of Elijah T. Cady died Feb. 9 1881 Ae 34 yrs. 1 mo. 21 dys.
Elijah T. Cady died Nov. 1 1874 Ae 47 yrs. 7 mos. 9 dys.

Emma E. Kent wife of G. Frank Hubbard died Jan. 18 1896 Ae 35 yrs. 2 mos.
The Lord is my shepherd.

Karl Kent son of Frank & Emma Hubbard died Aug. 10 1888 Ae 5 mos.
Suffer the children to come unto me.

Jonas B. Davis died Dec. 20 1883 Ae 74 yrs. 10 mos. & 18 days.
Louisa B. Hall his wife died Jan. 19 1907 Ae 93 yrs. 7 mos. 22 dys.

Mary Davis wife of Charles A. Parker died June 21 1874 Ae 37 yrs. 7 mos. 23 days.
Asleep in Jesus blessed sleep
Whose waking is supremely blest
No fear no woo shall dim that hour
That manifests the Saviour's power
Gently the passing spirit fled
Sustained by grace divine
Oh may such grace on us be shed
And make our end like thine.

Emeline wife of Francis Davis died Sept. 30 1871 Ae 35 yrs. 1 mo.

DeWitt C. Stowell died May 2 1866 Ae 35 yrs. 7 mos.
He is not dead but sleepth.

In loving remembrance of

Ida H. Firman died Apr. 17 1888 aged 27 yrs. 2 mos.
A precious one from us has gone
A voice we loved is still
A place is vacant in our home
Which never can be filled.

John L. Sanders January 12 1829-April 19 1904.
Lavina A. Hosley his wife December 25 1833-December 17 1905.
Ella Belle died Aug. 10 1868 Ae 9 mos.
Lavina May died Aug. 12 1865 Ae 6 mos.
[Children of J. Lindsey & Lavina A. Sanders]

Nellie Laura dau. to
S.D. & M.E. Chamberlain died May 30 1865 Ae 4 yrs. 6 mos. 18 dys.
Father mother sister
Why will you moum for me
Where ere thou roam on earth
I'll prepare a place for thee.

Ann Maria eldest dau. of
Wm. H. & Elizabeth A. Heustis born Nov. 8 1839 died Aug. 14 1863.

Dolbert Hathorn Jan. 21 1831-Mar. 1 1904.
Frances L. Sherman his wife Mar. 1 1834.

Lyman F. Cabot Mar. 31 1816-May 3 1898.
Lydia R. Dean his wife Aug. 16 1815-Dee. 21 1899.

Henry R. Perry Oct. 31-1854.
Lulu M. Marcy his wife Apr. 19 1860-Jan. 23 1909.

Mary G. Lazelle wife of
Edward W. Marcy died May 28 1902 Ae 72 yrs. 8 mos. 10 dys.

Gone home.
Edward W. Marcy died Nov. 10 1892 Ae 67 yrs. 7 mos. 13 days.

Sarah E. dau. of Geo. A. & Dorothy M. Stiles April 24 1910-May 12 1910.
Oscar J. Grout Dec. 17 1854-Sept. 13 1908.
Alice M. Proctor his wife Aug. 24 1860.

Roxa P. Grout died Oct. 3 1905 Ae 79 yrs.
Warren Grout died Nov. 8 1892 Ae 72 yrs.

Darius H. Smith died Feb. 21 1891 Ae 71 yrs. 3 mos. 12 dys.

Hamilton S. Smith died Mar. 16 1890 Ae 33 yrs. 7 mos. 5 dys.

Larmartin S. Smith died Apr. 3 1856 Ae 7 yrs. 7 mos.
Abby G. Smith died May 6 1866 Ae 2 yrs. 8 mos.
[Children of D.H. & A. Smith]

George G. Wilson Feb. 13 1849.
Susan E. Morse his wife Mar. 11 1854.
Roy Elvin son of George G. & Susan E. Wilson Aug. 28 1882-Dec. 28 1895.

Albion B. Wilson April 16 1872.
Sarah A. Howe his wife Dec. 15 1875-April 9 1905.
Greater love hath no man shown than this
That he lay down his life for another.

John P. Field died Aug. 20 1895 Ae 67 YrS. 11 mos.
Susan A. Bates his wife died June 2 1895 Ae 63 yrs. 10 mos.

Harlan P. Grout March 2 1823-Sept. 25 1893.
Fidelia Warner his wife Mar. 4 1822-Dec. 1 1898.
Helen F. dau. of H.P. & F. Grout died Nov. 2 1850 Ae 5 yrs. 11 mos.
She is not dead but sleepeth.

Soloman Putnam 1828-1902.
J. Augusta Diggins his wife 1843-1912.

Emily Morse died Apr. 17 1868 aged 60 yrs.
Our mother sleeps in Jesus. A. B.

End of 6 of 6.

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Q U E S T I O N S: Suggestions for being part of the Historical Society of Wethersfield, Vermont can offer you more information and add to your people's profile of your history research. Such as the work they were involved with, hardships of living in this town, working as a farmer, or hand to the farmer, caretaker and so forth, worked at keeping the roads clear and graded, worked for the town and other such things, such as teacher.

Where did they live within the township? How far did the kids have walk to school, IN THE SNOW? What was the Weather Conditions of the town, year of the big snows? Live stock handlers for the sheep? Who was the sheep industry itself, Lumber Mills, Grist Mills, Apple industry, Cider Mills, and Maple sugar industry?

What kind of Mill was located at Perkinsville? How many people were hired to work at that location? Where were the wool bens and where did the clippers go to do their work? Who were the employed at the Government control Dam in the Valley? Who cut all the grass in the bottom government land? What other projects of work was being done within the township?

M I L I T A R Y: Who were the men in Wethersfield and what were the Military Units at Wethersfield, Vermont. Who are not buried here? What kind of Military Units were they? Light Infantry or Cannons? What did the Uniforms and weapons look like? What were the weapons? Who of them joined Ira Allen Reg., Green Mountain Eastern Confluence to guard against the British on Vermont’s boundary against the British? Who joined Ethan Allen Green Mountain Boys Western Confluence, against the British movements? What is a Militia or what was raised in 1775 from Wethersfield, Vermont to fight against the British and who were the leaders, Captains, Lt, Sgt, etc., from Wethersfield, Vermont. These Units need to be put together to help these people asking about their kin. What did the military uniform’s look like?

C E M E T E R Y:Now if this is of interest to you than I can suggest that the Historical Society look at all of these questions and prepare to answers them if the people want to join the Wethersfield, Historical Society? What kind of condition are the C E M E T E R Y stones in? Do you want to get donations for repair work or fixed them up in any way? Please ask the Historical Society People about this.

C o m m e n t s:Rules of Cemeteries are to be observed with reverence, when visiting in these cemeteries. Do not take rubbings off the stones, or any other method to get the information off the stones, even the acid from your hands, is destructive to the stones. In time it will destroy the data surface of the stone, in time it will not be readable. The best way to obtain data from the stone’s, is to purchase a camera at the store and take pictures close up. So that you have and can preserve the data from off the stones.

Contact proper authorities for Military Services, Flag placements, Dar, Civil War markers, WWI and WWII markers.

Note: In cemeteries it is reasonable to have visitor registration booths

Placements where the visitors may drop off comments, as to who they are looking

for contacts as to how they can be reached. For other means it is reasonable to contact the Historian for the town and or County, should one be assigned.

Maintenance: of the Grave Yard Grounds are done either by a volunteer or other assignment of person(s) who are either elderly wishing to receive monies for the grounds to be cut each week/month. Please consider they are helping and give monies for this very import maintained work.

Questions: What is a town meeting and where does it take place?

What is a town square? 

Other means is the Federal snail Mail contact as shown. Another contact is the computer E-Mail and last is the phone contact should one be assigned, from the township.

O T H E R: In most cases the site manager is not a contact person. He or she, has neither the time or interest in Genealogy or History of the site he/she manages.

Weathersfield Historical Society News Letter:

E-Mail Contact person is Grace Knight.


Historical Information with New / Old Used books are available.

Contact:Rebecca W. Tucker


For a current list see http://users.adelphia.net/~rwctucker/



Weathersfield Historical Soc

2656 Center Road

Perkinsville, VT 05151

Phone 802 263-5230

Web Site


Type of Resource History Related Organization

Primary Focus: Historical Society

One can join for $7.50 right now, but will be subject to change over the years.

Date Jan. 2006.

End 2008

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